Is it more than that?

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Merlin is dressing Arthur in his armour and gives him a drink prescribed by Gaius to hopefully drown out the alcohol in his system. Gaius gives Gwaine one also. Gwaine swallows it down like a shot and puts on his armour.

Merlin talks privately to Arthur.

Merlin: Ive never seen him this unsure and worried...

Arthur: theyre good friends Merlin... i felt the same when you were on your death bed.

Merlin glances at Gwaine then back at Arthur.

Merlin: Do you think...its more than that?

Arthur also glances at Gwaine and adjusts his arm cuffs.

Arthur: Look what's important right now is getting the antidote.

Arthur goes to leave when Merlin grabs his arm.

Merlin: w-wait...

Arthur looks at him, Merlins eyes are filled with worry. The last time he wasnt there to protect him, he almost died.

Arthur: its ok Merlin. Ill be ok-

Merlin: Take Aithusa.

Arthur: Come again?...


Merlin lures Aithusa with dragon tongue telling him exactly what to do and to protect Arthur and Gwaine no matter what.

Aithusa nods and walks beside Arthur.

Arthur: Is this really necessary Merlin?

Gwaine: I mean it gives us a better chance at surviving.

Arthur sighs and pets Aithusa.

Arthur: But we cant talk to it.

Merlin hits Arthurs shoulder.

Arthur: OW?!

Merlin: Him.

Arthur rolls his eyes.

Gaius: Aithusa can understand english to an extent sire... you just have to have some patience.

Gwaine places his hand on Percvials chest and grunts.

Gwaine: Enough chit chat, were running out of time. Merlin. Keep him alive.

Merlin nods nervously and looks at Arthur.

Arthur faintly smiles and lifts up his hand to bid farewell.

As the two go to walk out Merlin quickly grabs Arthur and kisses him then punches his arm

Merlin: Dont die clotpole.

Arthur goes from shocked to a faint chuckle, Gwaine watches and smiles slightly then the two head out.

Merlin walks back to see Gaius staring and smirking a little.

Merlin: Wh-what....

Gaius: So this friend of yours....that likes a man....

Merlin covers his mouth.

Merlin: Did you get the letter i sent....?

Gaius: Arthur read it before i could...but yes Merlin i did.

Merlin: im sorry i lied.

Gaius chuckles and puts his arm around Merlin.

Gaius: You shouldve told me in the first place Merlin. I love you no less.

Merlin smiles and lays his head on Gaius' shoulder.

Suddenly Percival begins to toss and turn and Merlin begins using his magic to help postpone the effects of the poison spreading.

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