Honest Men

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Hey guys! Dont usually leave notes at the beginning but for some reason my wattpad is glitched and i cant seem to add gifs anymore 😭 so sorry the chapters look a little boring now.

Merlin makes his way to Arthurs chambers, meeting up before the gathering at the tavern.

Merlin walks in to find Arthur pacing.

Merlin: What... Are you doing..?

Arthur jumps a bit then sighs of relief and shuts the door behind Merlin quickly.

Arthur: Im.... Im pacing.

Arthur continues to pace as Merlin watches setting down his bag of meds.

Merlin chuckles.

Merlin: I can see that.

Arthur sits down and looks unsure

Merlin: We dont have to tell them..

Arthur: No! No... I want to.. Im just worried what they may think, thats all.

Merlin sits next to Arthur, the feeling is still strange, he expects to be hit or told to go away, yet Arthur rests his head a little on Merlins shoulder.

Merlins eyes soften looking down at him, he places a kiss on Arthurs head which makes Arthur look up a little startled.

Merlin: Wh-what...

Arthur: N-nothing... I just.... Thank you Merlin.

Merlin smiles as does Arthur.

Arthur clears his throat to break the soppy moment and sits up straight.

Arthur: Right. Lets go.

Arthur stands and Merlin holds his shirt.

Merlin: Are you sure about this?

Arthur: No.... But keeping you a secret isnt the nicest thing to deal with.

Merlin turns his lips in to try and hide his massive need to smile. Merlin nods and grabs his bag.

Arthur places his hand on Merlins shoulder in confusion.

Arthur: Whats in there...?

Merlin: Remedies...

Arthur:.... Right

Merlin smiles and carries on walking, Arthur rolls his eyes then follows.


Merlin and Arthur are the last ones to arrive at the tavern, they walk in to see Gwaine, Leon, Gwen, Lancelot, Elyan and Percival all together at a table.

Gwaine: Didnt think you were coming boys.

Arthur chuckles and greets the knights with a handshake into a manly shoulder hug.

Gwaine puts his arm around Merlin.

Gwaine: Now the gangs all here, Merlin can start by getting us all a round!

Merlin: Why me?!

Arthur: Yes go on Merlin

Merlin rolls his eyes then heads to the front, elyan goes with him to help.

Arthur stares at Merlin for a beat then looks down at the table.

Leon: Sire is everything alright?

Arthur:!!! Y-yes of course! Just been a while since i went to any tavern haha

Leon smiles as does percvial.

Merlin and Elyan return with everyones drinks.

Lancelot: Most kind of you Merlin thank you.

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