Chapter 3 - Hangout

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When the last bell rang, you bolted out of the classroom and headed to the entrance of the school. You saw Robin and Nancy approaching you, and you waved.

"You ready to go?" Nancy asked.

"I'm actually gonna hang out with Eddie today. Hope you don't mind," You replied. Nancy and Robin looked at each other and giggled. Then, they turned back over to you.

"Yeah, it's alright," Robin said.

   "We don't mind," Nancy agreed.

   "Awesome! See you tomorrow!" You said.

"See you tomorrow," Nancy and Robin replied in unison. They both walked out of the school, and then you looked over and saw Eddie walking over to you.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep," You replied with a smile. Eddie smiled and walked out of the school, making sure you were following. He led you to his van, and before you could even reach out toward the door handle, he opened the door for you and gestured for you to get in. You smiled and got in, and then Eddie shut the door and walked around the front. He got in, started the car, and started driving.
"Where are we going?" You asked.

"I figured we could go to my place. Unless you want to go somewhere else," Eddie replied.

"No, it's all right. We can go to your place," You said.

   "Alright. Cool," Eddie said.
"Hey, uh, what's your favorite band?" He asked.

"Either Kiss or Metallica," You replied.

"You like Metallica?" He asked, looking at you in disbelief.

"Yeah," You replied.
   "Is there something wrong with that?" You asked.

"No! No, no, no! Absolutely not! It's just... you're nothing like I thought you'd be," Eddie replied.
   "I mean, me, Eddie "the freak" Munson is hanging out with Y/n Y/l/n; the prettiest and most popular girl in school," He said in disbelief.
"Come to find out, she likes Metallica, D&D, and hates school," He added.

"I mean, it makes sense. It's not what you'd expect from a top grade student who hangs out with the popular kids," You agreed. Eddie nodded, and you smirked.
   "The truth is, I'm nothing like the person I appear to be," You said.

   "Is that so, princess?" Eddie asked. W-what? You asked yourself, a blush creeping across your face. You regained your cool, nodding in response.
   "Well, I'd love to hear all about it," He said.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

Eventually, Eddie pulled into a driveway. He parked the van, got out, and helped you get out as well.

"Oh, you live across the street from Max," You commented.

"Yep," Eddie replied. You both walked up to the trailer, and he opened the door for you.

"After you, m'lady," He said. You smiled and played along.

"Why thank you, kind sir." You both laughed and then went inside.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Eddie asked.

"No, I'm alright," You replied. Eddie nodded, and then began to walk down a hall.

   "You comin'?" He asked. You nodded and then followed him. He led you into a room that you assumed was his. An accurate guess by the band posters covering the walls, and the messiness of the floor.

"Have you ever thought about maybe cleaning your room?" You asked jokingly.

"I've thought about it. Maybe once... I think," He replied with a smirk. You laughed before observing the room a bit more. You spotted a guitar hanging on the wall, and your eyes went wide.

   "Holy shit," You whispered as you walked over to it.
   "That is fucking awesome," You said, looking over at Eddie.

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