Chaper 38 - Talk

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(3rd pov)

   "But I need to know for sure. Do you actually want me to tell her?" Steve asked, and Eddie nodded.
   "No, I need to hear you say it," Steve said, and there was a few moments of silence.

   "Yes," Eddie said.

   "You know I can't tell her either. I can't see her cry like that. Nancy's right, it'd kill her," Steve said.
   "If you want her to know, you'll have to tell her yourself," Steve said.

   "You know I can't do that, man," Eddie said.

   "Then you don't mean it!" Steve replied.

   "If you can't tell her yourself, then it's not true," Nancy said.

   "We're not telling her for you," Steve said.

"Why not?" Eddie asked.

"Because it would kill her, Eddie! It'd kill us!" Nancy replied.

"If you don't want to hurt her, then you won't leave her like that," Steve said.

"I'm gonna talk to her really quickly and then me and Robin are gonna go to the van. Could you two please figure this out? I can't even bear thinking about it," Nancy said, and Steve nodded.

(Your pov)

Shortly after Robin and Nancy left, you walked out of the room and heard Eddie and Steve arguing. You hid behind the corner and listened to what they were talking about.

   "Please, man. I can't tell her," Eddie pleaded.

   "Well I am refusing to tell her. If you truly don't want to hurt her, then you won't leave her," Steve said, and your eyes started tearing up.

   "But I keep fucking things up! She'll be safer without me around," Eddie said.

   "Leaving her would be fucking up! You wouldn't be making her safer, you'd be leaving her vulnerable to Aiden or anyone else who wanted to mess with her!" Steve said.

   "If it weren't for me, none of these things would've happened! She'd be better off if she'd never even met me!" Eddie exclaimed, and that's what did it for you.

You walked around the corner and Eddie's eyes went wide. Steve looked over and his eyes went wide as well.

   "Would that really make me safer?! Would you leaving me be safer for me?!" You asked, and Eddie didn't respond.

   "I was suffering before I met you! Sitting at that stupid table with Jason and his friends, feeling trapped. You helped me, and now you're saying I'd be better off if I'd never even met you?!" You asked.

   "I don't know, y/n! I don't know! I honestly think you'd be safer without me! If it weren't for me, none of this shit would've happened. Not with Jason, not with Aiden, not with your dad, and not with me!" Eddie said, his eyes also tearing up.

   "Aiden's been after me since freshman year, Eddie! Steve's right when he said you'd just be leaving me vulnerable!" You exclaimed.

   "You're sitting here holding on for me, when I'm the one that keeps causing stress on you! I don't want hurt you, and the best way for me to do that is to not be around you," Eddie said.

   "No, it's not Eddie. You promised. You fucking promised! You said you wouldn't leave even if I wanted you to!" You exclaimed.

   "I guess I'm breaking it then," Eddie replied, and you became overrun with sadness, anger, regret, hopelessness, and defeat.

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