Chapter 42 - Carlos

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(Skip to Saturday after lunch)

You were talking to Eddie over the walkie-talkie when you heard a knock on the door.

   "Hold on, Eds. One second," You said as you stood up.

   "Alright, princess," Eddie replied over the walkie-talkie. You walked up to the door and opened it. You recognized Carlos immediately.

   "Oh my god, Carlos! I've missed you so much!" You exclaimed as you hugged him. Carlos hugged you back and smiled.

   "I missed you too, y/n/n!" Carlos replied.

   "You died your hair?" You asked, looking at Carlos' red and black hair.

   "Mhm. What do you think?" Carlos asked.

   "I love it. It suits you," You replied with a smile.
   "Come in! You can put your stuff in your room!" You said as you let Carlos in. You led Carlos to his room and he was surprised when he walked in.

   "Hasn't changed a bit," Carlos said as he set his suitcase down on his bed.
   "I'll unpack later, where's mom and dad?" Carlos asked as he followed you downstairs.

   "Dad's at work, and mom's in the basement doing laundry," You replied before going to the basement door.
   "Mom, Carlos' here!" You called, and your mom bolted up to Carlos and hugged him.

   "Oh my god, I missed you so much! What's it like in California?" Your mom asked.

You then remembered that Eddie was still waiting for a response, so you pressed the button on the walkie-talkie.

   "Hey, Eds. My brother just got here, I'll talk to you later, okay?" You asked.

   "Alright, y/n. Talk to you later. Over and out," Eddie said. Calling me by my real name. Smart move, Eds. You thought to yourself with a smile.

   "Over and out," You replied before putting the antenna of the walkie-talkie back down.

   "California's just the same as last year, mum. Nothing has really changed. I want to know what's been going on with you guys," Carlos said with a smile.

   "Well I've got to finish laundry, so why don't you and y/n catch up for now?" Your mom suggested.

   "We will. Love you, mom," Carlos said before hugging her one last time. You also hugged her before you both went upstairs. You opened the door to your room and Carlos was surprised.

   "Woah. You are not the same Fleetwood Mac, pink dress soft girl I saw two years ago," Carlos said as he admired your room.
   "Metallica? Iron Maiden? Woah," Carlos said as he sat down on your bed. You set your walkie-talkie down on your desk and sat down on your bed next to Carlos.

   "So much has changed, Carlos. I don't even know where to start," You said.

   "Hmm. How about I list what I know about you, and you update me on if it's changed or not?" Carlos asked.

    "That works!" You replied.

   "Alright. We'll start with clothing style. You like to wear bright colors and cute girly stuff," Carlos said.

   "How about I just show you my closet?" You suggested with a chuckle as you stood up. Carlos followed you and you opened your closet.

   "Okay, so it's a grunge, goth, style consisting of band T-shirts, and other stuff. What's Hellfire Club?" Carlos asked as he held up the Hellfire shirt that belonged to Eddie. You gently took it from him and hung it back up.

I Was Made For Loving You |Eddie Munson x Female Reader|Where stories live. Discover now