Chapter 56 - Change of Plans

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You were so excited to take Eddie to Enzo's tonight, that you were struggling to focus in class. You not only thought of it as a date, but a pre-graduation celebration.

Unfortunately, your excitement was short lived. You were at home, getting ready, when your phone starting ringing. You walked over to your nightstand, picked up the phone, and held it to your ear.

"Y/l/n residence, this is Y/n," You said.

"Hello, this is Charlie, calling from Enzo's. I'm calling about your reservation tonight. There was an unexpected... incident in the kitchen, and we're going to be closed until the end of the week," Charlie said. Shit. You thought to yourself.

"Oh. Uh, okay," You said.

"So, I was wondering if you would be okay to move your reservation to next Monday," Charlie offered.

"Uh, can I get back to you on that?" You asked.

"Sure," Charlie replied.
"Just give us a call when you can," She said.

"Will do," You replied before hanging up. You picked up the phone again and dialed Eddie's home number. After a few rings, the call was answered.

"Hello," Eddie said.

"Hey, Eds. Enzo's just called, and there was an incident in the kitchen. The place is gonna be closed all week. Uh, they offered to move our reservation to next Monday, and I was wondering if that was okay with you," You explained.

"Ah, okay. Uh, didn't Steve book us a graduation thing next Monday though?" Eddie asked.

"Shit! You're right," You replied.
"Crap," You said.

"Hey. Don't stress over it, okay?" Eddie said.

"Too late," You said.

"Just set the reservation for later on," Eddie suggested.

"Okay," You replied.
"Sorry," You said.

"No need to be sorry, baby," Eddie replied.
"Why don't you set that up, and I'll be over soon with some movies and stuff? Sound good?" He asked.

"Yeah," You replied.

"All right, princess. I'll see you soon. Love you," Eddie said.

"Love you too," You replied.
"Bye," You said.

"Bye," Eddie replied before hanging up the phone.


You and Eddie were sitting on your couch, his arm wrapped around you, when you heard a knock on your door. You lifted your head up, looking at the door in confusion.

   "Who the hell is here at ten o'clock at night?" Eddie asked.

   "No clue," You replied as you stood up. Eddie also stood up, following you as you walked to the door. You opened it, and your eyes went wide when you saw Carlos standing there.

   "Hey, Y/n/n!" He said with a smile.

   "Carlos!" You said as you hugged him. He hugged you back, glad to see you. When you let go, you moved out of the doorway and gestured for him to come inside.
   "Come in," You said. Carlos walked inside, his luggage trailing behind him.

   "What're you doing back so soon?" You asked.

   "Well, I totally forgot that graduation was this month, and I'm definitely not missing that," Carlos replied with a smile.

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