Chapter 4 - Princess

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You woke up, got ready for school, ate, and went outside to wait for Steve, Nancy, and Robin. When Steve stopped in front of the house, you went and got in.

   "So, how was hanging out with Eddie?" Robin asked.

   "It was good. We had a lot of fun. Turns out, he's really nice and we have a lot in common," You replied.

   "That's good," Nancy said.

   "Ugh, we have that stupid history test today," Robin groaned.

   "Oh crap! I forgot to study!" You said.

   "You're still gonna get all the questions right," Nancy said.

   "I guess. But still, I'm anxious about it," You replied.

When you got to school, you said bye to Steve and went inside with Robin and Nancy.

"Alright! Good luck with your tests," You said.

"You too!" Nancy and Robin replied in unison before walking away. You walked to science and sat down at your desk.

"Hi, Eds" You said. He looked at you, a smile forming on his face.

"Eds? Is that what you're calling me now?" He asked.

"If you don't like nicknames, I can just call you Eddie," You said.

"No! No, it's fine. I... I like it," Eddie said. You smiled, and then the bell rang.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

You put your stuff in your locker and headed to P.E. When you got in there, you saw Jason, Patrick, and Andy talking to each other. When Jason saw you, him and his friends walked over to you. You tried to walk away, but the other boys cornered you, and then Jason pinned you against the wall.

"Fuck off, Jason!" You snapped.

"No need to get feisty, princess," Jason said. Your blood boiled, and you slapped him across the face. He stepped back, giving you a chance to get away from the wall.

"Don't call me that! Like I said before, fuck off!" You said as you flipped him off. With that, you walked over to Rylee.

"Woah. What was that about?" Rylee asked.

"Jason pinned me against the wall and called me princess," You exclaimed.

"Literally no one has ever gotten away with calling you that. What the hell made him think that he could?" Rylee asked.

"He's still trying," You replied.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

Finally, P.E was over. You headed to band and grabbed a school guitar before sitting next to Eddie. You both grabbed your guitar picks and got ready to play. You were still shaken up from what happened earlier, but you tried not to let it bother you.

"You alright?" He asked. How the hell did he know? I didn't even show that I was upset. You asked yourself, looking at him in surprise.

"I could be better," You replied.

"What happened?" Eddie asked.

"Just Jason. He pinned me against the wall earlier," You said. Eddie's mood changed, and you could tell he was pissed.

"What the hell?! I swear to God I'm going to kill him!" Eddie exclaimed quietly.

"No, Eds! It's alright. I slapped him across the face and told him to fuck off," You assured him. Eddie's expression returned to normal, and he smirked and chuckled.

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