Chapter 33 - That's Not What I Meant

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You jolted awake and sat up. When you noticed that Eddie didn't wake up, you decided to let him sleep. You silently cried, making sure not to wake Eddie up. You didn't bother getting up because you couldn't stop crying, and you eventually cried yourself to sleep.

(Skip to morning)

You woke up to Eddie playing with your hair. You were tired from staying out late, and then spending almost an hour awake from your nightmare. You really didn't want to get up, so you tried to fall back asleep. Unfortunately, you couldn't, and Eddie noticed you were awake.

   "Morning princess," Eddie said.

   "Morning," You said sleepily.

   "If you're tired, then you can go back to bed. We aren't really doing anything today," Eddie said.

   "I tried, I can't fall back asleep," You said.

   "Okay, well what do you wanna do?" Eddie asked.

   "I don't know," You said.

   "Well how about we eat and then get you some clothes. You have to bring your dress back to your house anyway," Eddie said, and that's when you realized you weren't wearing your dress. Of course he would be the type of boyfriend to change me while I'm sleeping. So sweet. You thought to yourself with a smile before you got up.

After you both ate, you grabbed your dress, heels, and bag. You grabbed your converse from your bag and put them on before you and Eddie went outside. Eddie helped you get in the van before he got in and started driving.

When you got to your house, you and Eddie went inside and to your room. You hung your dress up in your closet and grabbed a black button up shirt and a pair of gray-ish tan jean shorts.

"Eds, I'm going to take a fast shower," You said.

"Okay," Eddie replied. You went into the bathroom, got undressed, and got in the shower.

(3rd pov)

Y/n went into the bathroom and shut the door. Eddie heard water running, and he sat down on y/n's bed.

After two minutes, Eddie got bored. So he got up and started looking around the room. He noticed some of y/n's band posters, that she had some of her drawings hung up on the wall, and that she had the polaroid that Max took on her desk. Eddie went over to where y/n had her guitar hung up, picked it up, and went back to the bed. He took his guitar pick necklace off and started playing around with different notes and chords.

(Your pov)

You got out of the shower and got dressed. You put your shorts and stuff in the laundry basket, and grabbed the shirt Eddie let you borrow. You brushed your hair before going into your room where you saw Eddie playing with your guitar. He didn't notice that you had walked in. You smiled and watched him for a while. When he finally looked up, he jumped a bit.

   "Jesus H. Christ! You scared me!" Eddie exclaimed before catching his breath.

   "Sorry," You said.

    "It's fine. I hope you don't mind that I was using your guitar," Eddie said as he put your guitar away.

   "I don't mind. You can use it whenever you want," You replied.

   "What do you wanna do today?" Eddie asked.

   "I don't really know. What do you wanna do?" You asked as you sat next to Eddie on your bed and handed him his shirt.

"I don't know either," Eddie replied as you laid down. You were really tired, but you couldn't sleep. You yawned and Eddie laid down next to you.
   "You seem exhausted," He said.

I Was Made For Loving You |Eddie Munson x Female Reader|Where stories live. Discover now