Chapter 57 - Graduates

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Today was the day. You were finally graduating! You were ready to go, and just put your hat on, when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you, spooking you.

   "I can't believe my little sister is finally graduating!" It was Carlos.

   "Jesus H. Christ, C! You scared the crap outta me!" You said. Carlos let go of you, and then you turned around.

   "Sorry. I just... I'm so happy for you!" He said. You smiled and nodded.

   "I know, and thank you. I'm just nervous," You replied.

   "Nothing to be nervous about, Y/n/n! You're gonna do great! You just say a few things, get your diploma, and that's it. It's really simple. Believe me. I've gone through it," Carlos assured you.

   "You're right. It's gonna be easy," You said. Carlos nodded and hugged you.

   "Damn right!" He said. He let go of you, and then checked his watch.
   "We should probably go now. Mom and Dad are waiting downstairs, and they're undoubtedly gonna want pictures," He said.

   "Alright, then. Let's go," You replied.

You and Carlos went downstairs, to which, just as he'd said, Mom and Dad were waiting for you. Once your mom saw you, she ran up to you and hugged you.

   "I can't believe it! Both of my babies are gonna be out of high school!" She said.

   "Mom... you're squishing me!" You said, struggling to speak through the bear hug she had trapped you in. She quickly let you go, looking at you with a smile.

   "I'm sorry, sweetie. I just can't believe you're graduating," She said. You fixed your hat and smiled.

   "I know, Mom. It's crazy to me, too," You replied. Your dad walked over to you and opened his arms, and you hugged him.

   "I love you, Y/n, and I want you to know that I am so proud of you," He said after he let go. You smiled, meeting his gaze.

   "I love you too, Dad," You replied.

   "Let's get some photos before we go!" Your mom said, holding up her camera. You rolled your eyes playfully and smiled.

   "Fine," You said, still smiling.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

After a spree of pictures, you and your family headed to the school. When you got there, you saw all of the other seniors. They were all chatting and taking photos and dealing with their parents being embarrassing. Normal graduation stuff, you assumed.

You all got out of the car, and once you did, you spotted Eddie and Wayne, getting out of a car you didn't recognize. You wanted to go to him, but you wanted to make sure your mom didn't need any more photos first. You looked to your family, to which your mom and dad nodded.

"We'll be waiting inside," Your mom said. You smiled and hugged them all.

"I love you guys," You said.

"I love you too, sweetie," Your mom replied.

"Love you, sis," Carlos replied.

"I love you, my little girl," Your dad replied.

I Was Made For Loving You |Eddie Munson x Female Reader|Where stories live. Discover now