Chapter 6 - Crush

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You woke up and looked around. Oh shit! I fell asleep! When you realized you were literally cuddled next to Eddie, your face went red. And next to Eddie.

You let go of Eddie and got up, noticing a polaroid photo on the coffee table. It was of you sleeping next to Eddie, and he was smiling. You smiled and took the photo before going upstairs and getting changed.

You put the photo of you and Eddie on your desk, brushed your hair, and then went back downstairs. Eddie was still asleep, so you decided to make breakfast for the both of you.

You made eggs, bacon, and toast. You set the plates down on the table and grabbed forks and napkins. After the table was set up, you went over to Eddie and said,

"Hey, Eds. It's time to wake up." He didn't answer, so you repeated yourself and lightly shook him. He groaned and opened his eyes.

"Do I have to get up?" He asked sleepily.

"Yes. We have school," You replied.

"I don't wanna," He whined.

"Fine. I'll just eat all of the food," You said. Eddie's eyes widened, and he sat up.

"Fine. I'm up," He said. You giggled at that, smiling at him.

"Shit. I don't have any clothes that you can change into. Did you wanna run and grab some before we go to school?" You asked.

"Gareth brought me a pair of clothes after Robin told me that I wouldn't be able to get up while you were asleep next to me," Eddie replied as he picked up some clothes from the coffee table.

"Oh, okay," You said.

You showed him where the bathroom was, and he got changed. He came out of the bathroom just as you finished pouring yourself some orange juice.

"Do you want anything to drink?" You asked.

"Could I have some orange juice?" He asked.

"Sure," You replied as you got another cup out and poured orange juice in it. You gave him one of the cups, took the other, and sat down.

"You know, you are the only person I've ever known to fall asleep while watching a horror movie," Eddie commented. You smirked and chuckled.

"I live off of scary movies," You said.
   "So, uh, my parents wanted to see The Exorcist when it came out, but they couldn't get me a babysitter. So, against their better judgement, they took five-year-old me to go see a rated R horror movie. And, according to them, I loved it," You said.

"Are you serious?" Eddie asked.

"Dead serious," You replied. Eddie put his elbow on the table and leaned on his hand, smirking.

"You scare me sometimes," He said.

"I'm not gonna murder you or anything," You said, putting your hands up as if you were surrendering. He chuckled, and you both continued eating.

   "Do you wanna hang out again today?" Eddie asked.

   "Sure. I can bring my guitar and we can play together if you want," You replied.

   "That would be fun," Eddie said with a smile.

After you both finished eating, you put your plates in the sink and got your shoes on.

"I'm gonna grab my bag and guitar really quickly," You said. Eddie nodded, and then you went to your room. You grabbed your school bag, smaller bag, and guitar, before going back downstairs. You grabbed the movie you had watched last night, and then you both went outside. Eddie helped you into his van, put your guitar in the back, got into the van, and started driving.

I Was Made For Loving You |Eddie Munson x Female Reader|Where stories live. Discover now