Chapter 17 - Back To School

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You went to school and went to the guidance office before heading to your first class. Ms Kelly asked if you were okay, and you said you were doing a lot better. You told her you were ready for the consequences, and she told you that you had to spend lunch for the rest of the week organizing the returned library books. She also told you that every week you were to come to her office some time during the school day for a weekly checkup on your mental health.

You figured out that with the schedule changes, you now had all of your classes except Spanish with Eddie. When you went to the library after getting your lunch instead of the D&D table, Eddie followed you. You didn't notice though.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" Eddie asked after you set your lunch down on one of the library tables. You jumped and turned around.

"What the-! Oh my god Eddie! You scared the hell out of me!" You said. You sat down and slowed your breathing. Eddie walked over and sat next to you, also setting his lunch down.

"I have to spend lunch for the rest of the week organizing returned books. It's the task I was given. It's not too bad. I know the library super well," You explained before taking a bite of your food.

"Are you serious? That's not fair!" Eddie said.

"I was already told their would be minor consequences. But it could be a lot worse. I could've gotten suspended," You tried to reason with Eddie, but he clearly wasn't having it.

"It's not your fault! You shouldn't be punished for something you can't control!" Eddie said.

"Eds, I'm not going to argue with Ms Kelly about it, and I'm definitely not gonna argue with you about it. I'd rather just face this now than cause another argument. I hurt Jason, and there would be consequences for hurting someone. I'm lucky that this is all I'm getting for punishment," You said as you grabbed some of the returned books and started separating them into different piles. Eddie stood up and also grabbed some books.
"Eds, what're you doing?" You asked.

"Helping you," He replied as he also started separating books into piles.

"You don't have to. Go back to the cafeteria and sit at the D&D table. Everyone is probably wondering where you are," You said before taking a few bites of your food. Eddie didn't listen and kept organizing books.
   "Eds," You said, starting to organize the books again. No response.
   "Eds, go back to the cafe," You said again.

  "No. If you have to do this, then I'm at least helping you," Eddie said before taking a few bites of his food. He came back over and started helping you organize books again.

   "Eds, please. I'm not gonna let you take part in my punishment," You said.

   "And what exactly are you going to do to get me to stop helping you?" Eddie asked.

   "I...." You trailed off. You couldn't think of anything.

   "What was that princess?" Eddie asked with a smirk. He knew that there was nothing you could do to get him to stop, so you gave up.

   "You're a pain sometimes, you know that?" You asked.

   "Am I being a pain, or am I helping you?" Eddie asked.

   "Both," You replied. Eddie went up behind you and wrapped his arms around you. Gentle enough so that he wasn't hurting you, but tight enough that you were trapped.
   "Eds, come on. We need to organize the books," You said, trying to get free from his grasp.

   "Do we though?" Eddie asked.

"Yes, we do. I thought you were going to help me," You replied.

"I think this is a lot better than organizing books," Eddie said. He sat down and brought you with him so that you were sitting on his lap.

"Eds, we have all the time in the world to spend time together. We only have until the end of the week to get these books sorted," You said.

"Ugh, fine," Eddie replied, letting go of you. You both had a few bites of food and went back to sorting the books.

By the end of lunch, you had a good amount of the books sorted, so you headed to history.

(Skip the rest of the day)

You, Robin, Nancy, and Eddie went outside and to his van. Eddie dropped you and Robin off at family video, and then headed to drop Nancy off at her house.

"See you later Eds," You said after Eddie helped you and Robin out of the van.

"See you later princess. I'm picking you up from work at six thirty," Eddie replied. You gave Eddie a kiss on the cheek before heading inside with Robin. Once you got inside and Eddie drove away, you and Robin went to the counter.

"Steve! Did you see the two lovebirds," Robin teased.

"Yep," Steve chuckled. You rolled your eyes and started organizing movies.

"You guys are just jealous that you haven't gotten with someone. I'm directing that mainly at you Steve," You replied. Steve rolled his eyes and Robin chuckled.

"It's not my fault that you two are so cute together," Robin said.

"Oh, Nancy's coming to pick us up from work on Saturday for that sleepover. So pack a bag and bring it to work with you," You said.

"I know. She told me. It sucks that you had your schedule changed because of Jason," Robin replied.

"It does. But at least I have P.E with you and Nancy, even if we don't have math together," You said.

"Wait, you got your schedule changed?" Steve asked.

"Mhm. Me and Jason are being kept separated," You replied.
"But that means I now have almost all of my classes with Eddie," You added.

"One, that's bullshit that you have to have your schedule changed because of Jason! And two, you having most of your classes with Eddie is nice, but also a bad idea," Steve said.

"And why is that?" You asked.

"Uh oh, here comes Steve's inner mom," Robin said jokingly.

"I'm just saying that you having almost all of your classes with Eddie is just prompting you getting distracted. It's prompting him getting distracted. I'm not worried about you getting distracted, but Eddie's already stayed back twice. And we don't need you two ditching school again," Steve said.

"Steve, just trust me on this one. Plus, you can't change my schedule back. So there isn't really anything you can do," You said. Steve sighed and said,


Thursday and Friday went like that as well. Besides Hellfire on Friday night, the days were the same. By the end of lunch on Friday, you and Eddie got all of the books organized, as well as put away. Everyone knew that you always did above what was asked when it came to a task, and the librarian thanked you for putting the books away. Eddie dropped you off at your place after Hellfire, and you told him goodnight, and you went to bed.

(Sorry it's a short chapter, I just didn't know what exactly to do leading up to the sleepover. I'm going to start working on the next chapter and get it done as soon as possible.)

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