Chapter 19 - Don't Tell

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You woke up gasping for air. Shit! That was worse than the drug trip. You thought to yourself. You had just had a nightmare, and it was about you beating up Jason. After beating up Mark, you had nightmares for almost a year, and you were hoping you wouldn't have them for that long this time. Just a dream. It was just a dream. Goddamn it! Why do I have to have IED but be so sensitive about it? You asked yourself. You checked your watch and it read 6:00. 6:00? Ugh! Screw this shit, I'm going back to bed. You thought to yourself before laying down. You easily shook off the dream and drifted back into sleep.

You slept peacefully until you heard the voices of Nancy and Robin.

"Come on y/n! It's time to get up," Robin said.

"Wake up y/n," Nancy said before hitting you with a pillow. You flipped her off and covered your face with your pillow.

"Oh no you don't," Robin said, trying to take the pillow from you. She failed to do so, and fell to the ground in the process.
"How are you so strong even when you're practically asleep?" Robin asked.

"Let me sleep," You said while Nancy tried to take the pillow from you. When she finally managed, you sat up and flipped her off.
"You guys suck," You said while getting up. You went to the bathroom down the hall with your clothes and got changed. When you walked out of the bathroom, Robin went in. And by the time she was done, Nancy was already dressed and trying to brush your hair.
"Robin! Help!" You exclaimed.

"Nope. Every woman for themselves," Robin said before running downstairs.

"I'm gonna kill you!" You exclaimed.

"I'm coming after you next Robin," Nancy said.

After Nancy finished brushing your hair, you both headed downstairs to get Robin. Karen was making breakfast and the freshmen were fooling around in the living room.

"Oh Robin! Where are you?" You called out.

"She's hiding in the basement," Mike said, and you and Nancy went into the basement. You saw Robin hiding in the corner, so you ran to her and held her in place.

"Got her! Nance hurry up!" You exclaimed. Nancy cane over and brushed Robin's hair. You made faces and mocked her the whole time. After her hair was brushed, the three of you headed back upstairs.

"It wasn't that bad now was it?" Nancy asked teasingly.

"It was horrible," You said.

"I hated it," Robin agreed.

"I can brush my own hair you know? It always hurts when you do it," You said. Nancy rolled her eyes and you went to the table for breakfast. Unfortunately, with the freshmen, there wasn't enough chairs at the table for all three of you, so you decided to go to the living room and eat.
"Thanks Mrs Wheeler," You said.

"No problem," Karen said as the three of you sat down on the couch.

After you ate, you all decided to hang out with Mike, Lucas, Dustin. Mike and Lucas were fooling around a bit more separately, and the same happened with Nancy and Robin. Dustin and Max were chatting with you though.

"Hey y/n, I have a question," Dustin said.

"Ask away. Unless it's about what you figured out yesterday," You whispered the last part.

"It's not, but it is about Eddie," Dustin said.

"Okay. Then like I said before, ask away," You said.

"Do you feel like he's been helping you feel better from the incident? Like, faster then you did the other one," Dustin asked.

"Absolutely! You all have, but he's helped me so much. I find it amazing that he's been there for me every second. He told you about the library right?" You answered.

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