Chapter 23 - Promise

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⚠️TW! Smut!⚠️

You drew and blasted Metallica on your boombox until around five. Then you got an outfit, did your hair and makeup, and put the outfit on. It was a Black Sabbath shirt that was tucked into a black skirt. You wore fishnet gloves and tights with your black converse and a spiked choker. You grabbed your bag and put your walkie-talkie, walkman, wallet, and tapes in it. You waited until six o'clock came and looked out your window. You saw Eddie's van pull up and Eddie getting out of the van. You waited in your room to not raise suspicion, and you heard voices downstairs. You couldn't make out what they were saying, but you heard arguing for a period of time, and then the voices quieted down after about three minutes.

Another five minutes passed, and you heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and a knock on your door.

   "What do you want?" You asked angrily.

   "Can you please let us in? Your mother and I want to talk to you," Your dad said. You put your bag down, put a hoodie on over your outfit, and opened the door. Your mom and dad came in and you sat on your bed with your arms crossed.

   "I don't know what else there is to talk about. I already know you're not letting me date Eddie," You rolled your eyes.

   "Eddie showed up at six and asked if you were ready to go. We tried to tell him that we weren't allowing you to go, but he persisted," Your dad said.

   "And you sent him away. Is that what you're trying to tell me?" You asked.
   "Because if it is, then there's no reason to! I knew you would! That's exactly why I hid our relationship from you in the first place!" You snapped. Knowing your dad, Eddie didn't manage to convince him to let you go. Your heart melted when you figured out he tried, but it wouldn't work. You knew it wouldn't.

   "Listen honey, we're going to let you go on one condition," Your mom said. You were shocked, and you didn't care what this condition was, you really wanted to go.

   "Really? What is it? I'll do anything!" You pleaded.

   "No more hiding these things from us," Your dad said, and you nodded frantically. You hugged them both and smiled.

   "Be home by twelve," Your mom said as her and your dad left the room. You took your hoodie off and tied it around your waist, grabbed your bag, and ran downstairs. Eddie was waiting for you by the door and when he saw you, he smiled.

   "Hey princess. Ready to go?" Eddie asked. You ran over to him and hugged him.

   "Yep," You replied with a smile. You both walked out to Eddie's van and Eddie helped you get in before getting in the drivers seat.
   "How did you get my parents to let me go?" You asked as Eddie started driving.

   "I have my ways," Eddie smirked.

   "You're an idiot sometimes, you know that? My dad wouldn't hesitate to kill you. You're lucky he even let you inside," You said.

   "And yet for some reason, I'm still alive," Eddie replied.

You and Eddie spent a twenty minute drive listening to metal music and talking about random stuff. After that twenty minutes had passed, Eddie pulled into a field with other cars and a large screen. He parked in an empty spot that was a good distance from the screen, and you knew immediately that he had taken you to a drive in movie. He got out and then helped you get out.

   "This is amazing Eds!" You said as he led you over to a concession booth.
   "I love drive in movies!" You added with a smile.

   "I'm glad to hear that. What would you like to eat?" Eddie asked.

I Was Made For Loving You |Eddie Munson x Female Reader|Where stories live. Discover now