Chapter 30 - Can I Join?

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   "Hey Eds?" You asked.

   "Hm?" Eddie asked through a bite of his food.

   "You said something a while back about me joining Corroded Coffin. Could I still join?" You asked. Eddie's eyes went wide and he smiled, but his smile faded when he remembered one detail.

   "Didn't you say your mom would kill you if you joined a band?" Eddie asked. He absolutely wanted you to join Corroded Coffin, but he didn't want to get you in trouble.

   "Shit. I forgot about that," You sighed.

   "Have you tried asking her?" Eddie asked.

   "I did actually, in freshman year. But mom's said before that playing guitar is one of my talents, but I shouldn't try to make a career out of it," You explained.

   "Oh," Eddie said.

   "But I'm not gonna ask her this time. I'm eighteen and I can decide whether I join a band or not," You said.

   "Alright. I just don't want to get you in trouble," Eddie said.

   "Well as far as anyone's aware, it'll be my idea," You winked, and Eddie chuckled.

   "I'll talk to the boys. If you do join, you'd be playing next week since we play tomorrow," Eddie said.

   "Works for me," You said.
   "What would I do if I join?" You asked.

   "You'd be playing guitar obviously," Eddie smiled.
   "Maybe you could also sing," Eddie added.

   "Uh...I don't know. I'm fine with playing guitar, but I don't know about singing," You said.

   "Why not?" Eddie said.

   "I kinda get nervous singing in front of people," You said.

   "You sing in front of me just fine," Eddie said.

   "That's because I'm comfortable with you Eds," You said.

   "Are you not comfortable with the boys?" Eddie asked.

   "I am. What I mean is singing in front of people at the bar," You said.

   "Oh, they'll be drunk anyway," Eddie said with a smile. You rolled your eyes playfully and let out a small chuckle.

   "I'll try it, but only if you're also singing," You said.

   "Hmm...singing in a band with my girlfriend. That's something I could get used to," Eddie said with a smirk.

After you both finished eating, you put your plates in the sink and you checked the time. It was eight forty-seven.

"What do you wanna do?" You asked.

"I don't know. How's your side? Is it still bruised?" Eddie asked.

   "It's not bruised anymore. But it still hurts a bit," You replied.

   "Okay, well it's better than before so that's good," Eddie said.

   "Do you wanna watch a movie?" You asked.

   "Sure. What do you wanna watch?" Eddie asked.

"Let me look at what there is," You said as you went over to the TV stand. You opened the cabinet and started looking through the movies. You saw "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" and you immediately picked it up. You put the rest of the movies back, and put the videocassette into the VCR. You went to Eddie's room, grabbed a blanket from his closet, and went back out to the living room. You sat down next to Eddie and covered the both of you in the blanket before Eddie pulled you up onto his lap.

"What'd you pick princess?" Eddie asked.

   "Texas Chain Saw Massacre," You replied as Eddie turned on the TV and started the movie.

   "Nice," Eddie replied.

Sometime during the second half of the movie, you felt Eddie playing with your hair. You were already tired to begin with, and this was just adding to the desire to sleep.

   "Eds, are you trying to make me fall asleep?" You asked.

   "Maybe," Eddie replied. You rolled your eyes with a small smile on your face.
   "Why? Is it starting to work?" Eddie asked.

   "Maybe," You replied. Eddie continued to play with your hair as you watched the movie, and it didn't take long for you to fall asleep.

Eddie knew that you had fallen asleep when you started leaning to the side. Eddie chuckled before gently putting his arms under you and standing up. He carried you into his room bridal style and laid you down on the bed. Eddie laid down next to you and covered you as well as himself in the blanket. He wrapped his arms around you and quickly fell asleep beside you.


This one's a bit shorter than usual, but I hope you enjoyed it!

I Was Made For Loving You |Eddie Munson x Female Reader|Where stories live. Discover now