Chapter 5 - Movie Night

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You walked into the store and grabbed a cart.

   "All right. What should we grab for snacks?" You asked.

   "Definitely popcorn," Eddie replied.

   "Well, duh! What's movie night without popcorn?" You asked as you headed to an isle. You grabbed a couple bags of microwavable popcorn and put them in the cart.
   "Oooh! We should get chips and candy," You said.

   "Good idea," Eddie said. You then went to another isle to grab potato chips, Tostitos, and salsa. Then, you and Eddie headed to another isle and walked down to the many candies that were on the shelves.

   "What candy should we get?" You asked.

You looked over and saw Jason, Patrick, and Andy. Oh, shit. You quickly looked back at Eddie, and he could tell you were nervous.

"What's wrong?" He asked. You looked over to where Jason was and then back at Eddie. He looked over and looked back.
"Oh," He said.
"Let's just get the candy and get out of here," He suggested. You nodded, and looked quickly towards Jason. He noticed you and started walking over, and you panicked.

"Shit," You whispered.

"Just grab some candy," Eddie said. You grabbed M&Ms, Oreos, chocolate chip cookies, Twizzlers, Gummy Bears, Reese's peanut butter cups, and Sour Patch kids, and then put them all in the cart. You went to walk away, but heard Jason talk to you.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" He asked before looking at Eddie.
"And with the freak," He added.

"For the last goddamn time, Jason, he isn't a freak! It's none of your business what I'm doing here, so leave me alone!" You replied.

"I don't know what these freaks did to you, but I don't like it," Jason said.

"They did nothing to me! I like the same stuff that they do! I had to hide all of that because of some stupid reputation! But honestly, I don't care anymore. If doing what I like makes me a freak, then I'm a freak! So for the last time, fuck off!" You said before you started walking away. Before you left the isle you put your hands on both sides of your head like devil horns, and stuck your tongue out at Jason, making a demonic noise. With that, you and Eddie went to the checkout line.

(Yep, Eddie's iconic face. XD)

You heard Eddie chuckling, so you turned towards him.

"What's so funny?" You asked.

"I did that to Jason last week," He replied.

"I know. That's kinda why I did it," You said.

"Actually?" He asked.

"Are you kidding? I used all of my effort last week not to burst out laughing when you did that," You replied with a smile. He smirked at that.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

You walked out of the store and helped Eddie put the bags in the van. He helped you get in the van and then got in and drove back to your place.

When you got to your house, you tried to get out of the van before Eddie could help you, but he got to the door first. He helped you out and you grabbed one of the bags. Eddie grabbed the other and you both went inside. You set the bags down on the table and went upstairs to grab some extra blankets.

"Hey Mom, my friends are planning to come over for a movie night. Is that okay?" You asked as your mother walked downstairs.

"Sure! Just make sure you're not up too late. You have school in the morning," Your mom replied.

I Was Made For Loving You |Eddie Munson x Female Reader|Where stories live. Discover now