Chapter 7 - Ditching

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As soon as class ended, you and Eddie got your homework from the teacher and bolted out of the classroom. You made your way through the crowd of seniors and then slipped outside without anyone noticing. You quickly ran to Eddie's van and got in, Eddie following behind.
Once Eddie drove out of the school zone, you let out a sigh of relief.

   "I can't believe we didn't get caught." You laughed.

   "Me neither," Eddie replied with a smile.

   "I just realized that my mom's probably gonna get a phone call telling her that I'm not in class," You said.

   "Shit! That means my uncle will as well," Eddie said.

   "We're gonna get in trouble, aren't we?" You looked at Eddie, and he looked back at you, and then you both burst out laughing.

   "I think we'll be fine," He replied.
"Can't we just say there was an error?" He asked.

   "I can. I've never ditched school in my life. You on the other hand, I'm not so sure," You replied. Eddie whispered something, but you didn't catch what it was.
   "I can try getting away with saying that it had to be a mistake because I'm hanging out with you "after school,"" You said with quotation marks.

   "We'll find out later," Eddie replied as he pulled up to family video. You grabbed your small bag and got The Shining out of it. Eddie helped you out of the van, and then you both walked into the store. You walked up to the desk, and saw Steve standing there.

   "We'd like to return this please," You said as you held the movie out. Steve recognized your voice immediately, and he looked up at you in confusion.

   "Y/n? Eddie? What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?" He asked as he put the movie in the returned bin.

   "Yeah. We should, but we ditched," You replied with a smile.

   "You, Y/n Y/l/n, ditched school?" Steve asked.
   "I mean, I don't find it too hard to believe that Eddie ditched. No offense. But you?" He asked.

   "None taken," Eddie said.

   "We got bored, so we ditched," You said simply.
   "Why are you finding this so believe? I'm standing right here in front of you," You asked.

   "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you have never ditched school once in your entire life," Steve replied, unamused.

   "He has a point," Eddie commented.

   "You do know that you could get in a lot of trouble for this, right?" Steve asked.

   "Yeah, I'm aware mom," You teased. Steve rolled his eyes and looked at you.

   "Listen, all I'm saying is that I think it's a bad idea. And I think he-" He said, pointing to Eddie.
   "-is being a bad influence," He finished.

   "He isn't being a bad influence, Steve. It was my idea," You said.

   "Whatever. I'm not going to tell you what to do," Steve replied.
   "How did you guys even sneak out, anyway?" He asked.

   "Once class ended, Eddie and I snuck through the crowd and out the door," You explained. Steve smacked his forehead with his hand and replied,

   "If you do it like that, then you're bound to get caught."
   "Do you know that hallway that has no rooms and seems to lead to a dead end?" He asked.

   "The one by the band room?" Eddie asked.

   "Yeah," Steve replied.

   "Yeah, I know it," Eddie said.

   "So do I," You chimed in.

   "Good," Steve said.
   "So, you want to go down that hallway, and around halfway towards the end, there is a left turn. You turn there, and there's an exit. It's a parking lot for teachers and staff, so no one'll be there when you walk out. If you park your van there at the beginning of the school day, you should be able to sneak out and get it without being seen," He explained.

"Cool. Thanks, man," Eddie said. Steve nodded.

"Steveee?" You gave him a look.

"Yes, I used to ditch school," Steve sighed. You smiled at him and hugged him over the counter.

"Thanks Steve," You said. You reached into your bag and handed him ten dollars.

"No problem," He replied.
   "What's the money for?" He asked.

"For the help. Consider it a tip or something," You replied.
   "Also, could I apply for a job here? I'm getting low on cash," You asked.

"Sure. Robin and I will put in a word for you. Come fill out an application sometime this week," Steve replied.

"Alright, thanks!" You said. You all said goodbye, and then you and Eddie left. Eddie helped you get in the van, and then got in.

"You know, Steve's a pretty nice guy," He said as he shut his door.

"Yeah," You replied.
   "He wasn't always like that. Back when he dated Nancy, he was a douche bag," You explained.

"Wow," Eddie said.

"I mean, it's not too hard to believe. He was popular, and all the girls were into him. Not to mention the rich parents. For him not to be an asshole would be breaking all the laws of society," You said.

"Makes sense." Eddie nodded.
   "Were you into him at some point?" He asked. You looked at Eddie in surprise, and then you made a fake gagging noise.

   "Absolutely not!" You replied.
   "I completely steered away from him. He was such a player," You added.

   "All right. All right," Eddie said.
   "You just said all the girls, so I had to ask," He explained. You elbowed him, and he winced.
   "Ow!" He said.

   "Since when are you observant?" You asked.

   "Since you decided to ditch school," Eddie replied. You flipped him off, and he smiled.
   "By the way, we can't go to my place until school is over. Otherwise, my uncle will ask questions as soon as we walk in that door," He said.

"Well, where do you want to go for now, then?" You asked.

"Well, we have, like, what? An hour and a half before school's out? We could probably chill out at the park or something," Eddie suggested.

"No, we can't. Karen takes Holly to the playground there around this time, and she would definitely tell my mom if she saw me," You said. You looked at your watch, and it read twelve thirty. An hour and a half. You confirmed with yourself.

"Who's Karen?" Eddie asked.

"Mike's mom," You replied.

"Alright, then, no park. Hmm..." Eddie trailed off. After a little while, you had an idea.

"Oh! How about we go to the mall? Get some ice-cream, or something?" You suggested.

"Sounds good to me. Star Court Mall it is," Eddie replied as he started the car.

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