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- Chapter 11 -

I got dressed in my bathroom. I wasn't taking any chances with Andy right now.

And plus I felt like shit. I didn't feel like impressing him.

I pulled on a Sun Drop tee-shirt, Dark blue jeans, a sweat shirt, and my black converse.

I wasn't really in the mood for good looks. Take it or leave it Andy Biersack !

I walked out and Andy wasn't there. I gasped feeling nervous as hell.

I looked through my whole room and no where to be found. Andy what the fuck!?

I even looked out my window ! And nothing !

I stomped my foot and went downstairs. I swear Andy! I'm not afraid of you anymore . I can hurt you if I really want to.

I went to the kitchen and sure enough there he was ! Talking with my parents.

"Morning." Andy said casually. I sighed and said "Good morning?" but it came out more as a question.

"Andy just stopped by." my dad clarified.

A wave of relief just washed over me.

God I still felt terrible.

"Well sorry I didn't tell you but Andy's the one who I'm talking to today. So if you don't mind we have to leave." I said heading for the door.

Me and Andy made it out the door before mom or dad could say another word, and we hopped into Andy car.


The ride was silent until Andy grabbed my hand and pulled it up to his lips.

He kissed my knuckles and my fingers. It was a little weird at first but then it was very soothing.

"I meant what I said last night." he said.

My breathing hitched. 

He was talking about love.

Oh gosh.

I wasn't even sure if I felt the same way towards him.

"You did ?" I asked.

How could he love me if he beat me?

I now felt very uncomfortable around him knowing he was the reason I had to hide. The reason I felt scared.

"Andy if you love me why did you beat me?" I asked.

He released my hand. Obviously he was thinking of an answer. I didn't think he had an honest one.

The truth was most likely, he was drunk, he made love to me, he thinks he loves me, he's going to go through with it until someone better comes along, and that's how it's goes.

"Because I had a lot on my mind. I didn't want to hurt you the drugs were just... Taking over." he said slowly. "I'm sorry." he finally said.

It made things a little better but I was still upset. He wasn't getting off the hook with just 'I'm sorry'.

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