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The forty-eighth chapter. Wow, this book is so long and because of it, I've decided to give you guys a huge surprise. Because I'm sure your wondering why the book is about to end.

There's a second book. There I said it. That's why I wanted all the votes and comments. Should I continue this story or am I just wasting my time? It's showing in the votes and comments and I only have a few people that seem to care about it at the moment.

So it's on the shelf, not sure yet. I need a pretty decent amount of votes and comments to keep me going because I've said before, I'm losing hope in this story and I don't want to end it if all of you want it to continue.

I have loads of new ideas and I think I can work with what I have. The story was suppose to be so much shorter and based on the time I've been having, it ending up a lot longer than I originally wanted and the story changed directions. But I honestly believe it's better than what I was planning on at first.

I just need feedback, it would help so much.


Go check out my new books please ! I'm posting more soon, maybe see if your interested, and if you have any request just message me and I'll write about what your interested in, and I'll even feature you as a character if you want, like it says in my bio, I'm writing about all sorts of things! It dpoesn't matter. Any celebrity crushes out there? :) Just ask me if you want a story on here and I'll write one for you! Fan fictions all the way :P


Well now that's out the way here's the chapter I promised.

( Song of the Chapter : The Nearly Deads - Never Look Back ) << Favorite song at the moment :3

- Chapter 48 -

Things have finally become a little easier. Since Andy apologized, it seems like one of the many weights I've been carrying on my shoulders has suddenly been lifted, and that's such a great feeling. Hope. I finally have something to hold onto. Now I see that Andy's not giving up on me, and as much as I'd love to open up to him right now, I just can't...it's to early. I can't open up to anyone yet. Things are to fresh... I wish I could, I do. I'm just not ready for what's on the other side of that...If he found out I wasn't pregnant anymore, if my parents found out, if anyone found out, I wouldn't know how to handle the stress of constantly being asked over and over again about losing my baby, losing Andy's baby.

Would he be upset? Would my parents be? Dad didn't even want me after he found out, so what about now? Now that there's nothing there, how would he and my mom react? She seemed pretty overjoyed... How could I break that to all of them with out making someone mad or disappointed? What about Sierra, Evan, and Caleb? It was still to much to bear. I'm no where near ready to open up. No not at all. Sierra found out from Andy and Evan probably found out through school, some kind of way, I'm sure. Sebastian is the one that told everyone that I was having a baby with Andy... Yea that bridge is not going to be rebuilt with the guy that bullied me during all my high school years, and still does.

I've come to terms with Andy only because he made it up to me and proved to me that he was through with that, and that he really cared about me. I was grateful for that, because if I didn't have him right now, I'd have no idea where I'd be. It's about time I return the favor. I have to try.

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and checked the time, 10:18AM.

He's probably still sleeping. Eh oh well. " Andy!" I yelled into the phone after he picked up. God...I need to brush my teeth, That breath is like a bomb of, OH HELL NOO.

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