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- Chapter 25 -

"Mallory! Wait up!" I heard Evan say from behind me.

I whipped my head in that direction and a smile formed as soon as I saw who it was.

I stopped in my tracks and waited for him to catch up.

"Hey gorgeous." he said smiling at me.

Gosh he knew how to make me blush.

"Hey Handsome." I said smiling back.

He smiled and side-hugged me.

"So where did you move?" I asked him.

"It's in the same neighborhood, and like a few houses away from yours." he said.

I smiled.

"Yay!" I cheered.

A group of girls walked by us and one of them said

"You should ditch her and come to someone that can please you." she smiled and then winked at Evan.

My whole mood changed and I looked down.

I sighed.

"Mallory, come on. Don't listen to them. Your great. You should know that." he said.

"I'm not great. Evan you don't have to lie. Everyone here treats me like crap and what am I? I'm a nobody. I'm weirder than most of the geeks and creeps at this damn school!" I said to him.

"Anyone can see it and you know it." I said as tears filled my eyes.

"Mallory stop." he said with a stern tone.

"Your my best friend and I'm not just going to let you say that. Your amazing and anyone would be lucky to know you. Now, let's talk about something else, please." he said.

I couldn't hold back the smile that crept on my lips.

Evan was alwasys one of the sweetest guys.

"Thanks RB." I said smiling.

"RB?" he asked with a cocky grin.

I playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"Rainbow Buddies! Duh ! Remember from middle school." I said laughing.

Me and Evan use to come up with the dumbest things.

"Oh yeah that." he said sarcastically.

"Come on Evan. I know you remember." I said smiling.

"You came up with it!" I added. I couldn't help laughing a little as he blushed crimson.

"Shut up!" he said looking around.

"You still love me though." I said sticking out my tongue.

"Yea yea what ever." he said walking faster away from me.

"Come on Evan don't be such a baby." I said pouting.

He stopped walking and turned to face me.

"I'm NOT a baby! Gosh! I thought we went over this in middle school!" he said folding his arms over his chest.

I laughed.

"Let's just go ok." I said still laughing.

"fine." he said pouting as we made our way to the sidewalk.

"Can I have a piggy-back ride?" I asked with a cocky smile.

"My feet hurt." I added.

He sighed loudly before squatting down so I could get on his back.

I gladly made it to his back before he lifted me up.

I smiled as he carried me.

So he was strong too. Eh?

I think Evan and I are going to be really close. Again, but maybe in a different way. Maybe the cliché love story was on its way.

Maybe they did exist. Maybe my life could get turned back around.


So if you feel a little rushed I'm sooooo sorry. I'm trying to get to the good parts.


Yea there's A LOT more coming your way so be prepared for suspense, sadness, and even more suspense! ;)

I promise it gets better :) just keep reading lovelies

Love you all !

- Devin<3

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