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  • Dedicated to Makayla Pugh !

Hey Guys,

Hopefully I can have the time to make this chapter long, it might take me a little while longer to write because of the fact that I'm writing it on my phone and obviously it's going to be shorter, but hopefully I can touch it up on the computer later, I'll just make sure I get everything in it, with much detail, and if it's not that long then oh well.

I don't have time like I use to so, please take what I give you, it's hard enough as it is just to write on my phone. Like now for example, it's 9:00 already and a school night.

I'm most likely going to write for a hour an a half and then regret it in the morning, but I love you guys so I'm actually trying to finish this book!

So thanks guys for all the feedback and votes, even if it's not a lot I still appreciate it.

I know I could be getting a lot less readers than I have, so I'm not complaining.




Q: "Why is Evan so clingy?"

A: "That's a good question, haha :). Hmm, I wanted to make him the way he is because I know a lot of girls adore guys that are sweet and adorable and etc., so I just made him a sweet guy and he kinda just became clingy."

Q: "Where did you get you inspiration for the story?"

A: "OK that's a really good question (: I didn't think you guys would actually ask lol, but I honestly was just writing stories on my phone, and the story of a girl being murdered by someone that she has to find out later who did it, kinda just came to me. I remember me and my mom talked about a story on the news that had a girl that was murdered by her boyfriend on it, and I liked the idea I guess, and then the rest just kinda happened."

Q: "When are you going to get to do the part where she dies???"

A: "Hmm. Soon. I just need more time to write. I've had a lot of projects and stuff. But definitely soon. I'm getting out for two weeks next month and two weeks the next month, so hopefully I can get it in around Christmas. Because I'm ready to finish this for you guys!"

That's all the questions for now, send in more and I'll answer them lovelies! :)

OK guys, enough of that here's the next chapter ! :)


- Chapter 45 -

( Song of the Chapter : The MiddleEast - Blood )

* Oh yea and I'm trying to try a whole different writing style (3rd person, kind of) so, here we go. *


Mallory sat down on her bed, thinking over what she was doing with herself.

She had a lot on her mind lately, and she was just pushing it away, not wanting to deal with the stress of being a 18 year old anymore.

A small knock on her door startled her before it opened to reveal a very curious looking Andy.

"Hey, did you change your bandages already?" Andy asked, hoping she would say no.

He was dying to help her, to get her to trust him.

He was so serious about winning her trust once again, and finally having things like they use to be.

Although Andy knew he was being a bother to her, he just couldn't control it. He felt the need to help her, but for some reason he didn't fully understand how he could do that.

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