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Hey there :) how are you guys ? Lol .

Wanna know something about me?

Im like obsessed with Marvel now, ever since I saw The Amazing Spider-man.


BTW: it was so amazing. I was surprised in the end and kinda sad :( but it was still amazing.

If you haven't seen it go NOW.

Oh and the movie Battleship was off the chain. Haha .

I love those two movies like seriously I can't describe how much I'm in love with them.

I'm in LOVE with Andrew Garfield and Taylor Kitsch. Not to mention , Dakota Goyo :3

<3. Oh lord enough fan-girling lol.

Tehehe \(~.~)/  \(*.*\) \(*.*)/ /(.-.)\  \(*.*)/ (/*.*)/  \(~.~)/

Sorry for my weirdness ;3


Oh lord I'm writing another book, a few actually .

Some fanfics and a mystery/thriller :D

Hopefully you guys can read them and tell me what you think when I upload them :3

Would make me so very happy !


So I was wondering if your liking all the cliff-hangers I've thrown on you ? Lol ;)

Maybe, maybe not?

Haha well anyways on with the story !

(I Don't Like You - Eva Simons )

<333333 love her and that song


- Chapter 32 -

{Evans POV}

I walked into Kay Jewelers ready to get Mallory the first thing that I knew fit her personality.

As I walked in I noticed a few girls I had seen before at school.

I remembered them because they were the girls that were walking past me and Mallory while we were talking.

God knows what they were babbling on about, it sounded like a different language as I got closer to them.

I finally walked past them and remembered I was here for Mallory's gift.

I looked through the cases until my eyes fell on a diamond heart necklace.

The words 'I love you.' were engraved on the back.

It was perfect. I had to get it for her.

I called over a worker to ring it up for me. It was a girl with short blonde hair.

She reminded me of Miley Cyrus... especially with the short blonde hair....

"What can I do for you ?" she asked bating her eyes at me.

I didn't really find her very attractive.

She seemed like a hookerish kind of girl....

"I'd like to get this." I said pointing to the necklace I picked out. 

She smiled and went over to get it.

I waited for her to get the keys to open the case and  get the necklace.

As I waited for her to come back, I felt a squeeze on my bum.

I quickly turned around to see a smiling blonde. She was pushing me against the cases now and it wasn't very comfortable.

I pushed her away from me before she did something she'd regret...

"Wait. Evan." she said putting her hands around my waist.

She let her hands go down until they rested on my butt.

"Get off of me. Slut !" I spat at her.

She glared at me before sighing loudly and walking back to her friends.

God what was wrong with these chicks!?!

I went back over to the cash register where the Miley look alike was walking over to and paid for the necklace.

I left the store and headed home to wrap Mallory's gift.


{Mallory's POV}

Evan had dropped me off not to long ago and I was studying.

Can't believe I have to go to school on my birthday... Not fair at all.

I sighed and closed my history book.

I was sick of studying.

This test was going to be a piece of cake because I was really good at history.

It was my best subject.

I got up and went to my walk-in bathroom.

I turned on the shower and waited for it to get hot.

I went to my closet and picked out a pair of pajama shorts and a tee-shirt.

I grabbed a towel on my way back and quickly stripped down to my nakedness.

I stepped in the shower and let the water run over me.

It was so soothing to have some alone time.

I washed myself up and washed my hair.

Once I was done I stepped out and wrapped myself in my towel.

Gosh I wish I could just be back at home.

I mean I wasn't even pregnant anymore.... Was this really necessary?


I got dressed in my shorts and tee and went back to my bed. I fell on it and just sighed loudly.

"Mallory !! Dinners ready!!" I heard a familiar voice call.

I sighed once again before yelling back,

"Coming!!"I stood to my feet and opened my bedroom door to be surprised by an angry looking Andy.

"Why'd you fucking reject me." he asked me before pressing me against the wall.

"Because I have a boyfriend!" I yelled at him.

"Well who gives a fuck about him!? We have something here Mallory and you know it." he said to me.

I could feel his warm breath brush my cheeks.

Gosh... He was right....

I did feel something for him, but I still loved Evan.

"I care about him.. Even if we had something. You gave up on us, and now you want me back? It doesn't work like that anymore..." I said pushing him away.

He didn't budge.

"Look. I let you get away earlier, but that's not going to happen again..."he said.

He leaned into me, forcing his lips on mine.

He kept kissing me while I just let him.

I didn't push away and I didn't kiss him back.

Honestly I was in shock, and I didn't know what was happening for a while.

"I knew you cared about me." he said smiling evilly at me once he pulled away.

His lips were so kissable right now. They just looked so amazing! I couldn't help it!

Don't judge me.

If you could see how good his lips looked you would want to kiss him too.

Gosh... Andy knew how to brainwash girls or something...

Because I was caught up in him and his looks...

That was bad.

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