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  • Dedicated to Bamby for allowing me to go through these wonderful emotions of not being loved


OK so I decided to go ahead and make this one of the last chapters. I'm completely going out of my way to finish this but I don't care. I wanna be done with it already.


Oh yea and I got one person to tell me they didn't want it in third point of view, thank you for that :) I'm glad someone told me.


~ Chapter 47 ~

( Song of the Chapter : D.R.U.G.S. - I'm The Rehab, You're The Drugs )

The rain drummed against the windows softly forming a slow steady beat. Three weeks have passed and I still haven't heard from Caleb, or have I been able to return to work. I've searched for a new job and scored one at the Barnes & Nobles at the square about a week ago. I work in the afternoons after school and I'm off during the weekends. I stay for four hours and then walk over to the cafe hoping Caleb is there every time I visit, but I'm always welcomed by Fernando who gives me a cup of coffee and makes sure I leave as soon as possible.

Why doesn't he want me to work? I can understand now that he doesn't want anything to do with me but did he ever think about me working? I needed money for college, so I can get my own place, I needed a car. Did he even think about telling me instead of telling his employees to tell me. I looked away from the window and stood up from my desk chair. I went into my closet and pulled out a jacket and a pair of boots.

I need a walk.


I sat on the park bench after I took a long time thinking things through. I should stop mopping around because of some boy I barely knew. It was so unlike me to behave this way. I would never get so attached to someone I didn't know, especially a boy.

I couldn't think straight without a cup of coffee for the past couple of days, and it was only getting worst to the point where I made myself up to four cups a day, two in the morning and two after work. I would drift during classes and barely even noticed what was happening. During lunch I just started going out to get more coffee. I couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried. I was getting worst and I knew that people noticed. Andy noticed, Sebastian noticed, Sierra noticed, for gods sake my parents noticed when they came to visit me every other weekend. Or should I say came to visit the baby. It was my mothers only concern and for all I knew, my dad didn't give a damn about either.

What was happening to me? Why am I allowing this to happen to me? Is it because I want attention? Do I want people to care about me? Yes I do, but I don't want people I care about to just up and out, stop talking to me like we didn't even know each other. I had cried a lot more than lately and I didn't like it at all. I hated caring about other people because they could never return how I felt about them. It sucks when I need them and they can't even answer when I call. I wanted them to care to.

I stood to my feet, feeling my tears building up. I didn't want to cry anymore. It hurt to let everything out and know that things wouldn't get any better for me. Hope wasn't an option for me, and whenever I cried I felt like I was coming closer and closer to becoming desperate enough to go to the cafe and demand to hear from Caleb. To know what the hell was happening and why he decided to put me through such emotional pain.

I was fragile, and every ounce of will I had in me was draining, slowly but surely I was giving up on everyone and everything. I didn't know how to fix it. I didn't know how to forget about it. I didn't know what to do. I needed help, and I wasn't opening up to anyone any time soon. I wasn't in any kind of shape to open up right now. I didn't want to open up to anyone besides Caleb. Right now he was the only one that could make it better, and unless he tried, I wasn't going to get any better.


My grades had started to go down and that's when my parents and Andy's parents decided to sit down with me and talk.

"Mallory are you even listening to us?" My mother asked furiously.

"Yea mom keep talking." I said effortlessly. She continued going on about how I should be focusing in class and if I wanted my baby to be in a good home, I had to get a good education. My grades haven't even gone down that low...I thought to myself. I had only gotten a eighty five on a test and it brought my grade down to a ninety six instead of a ninety eight.

I didn't see what the big deal was. I was still focusing in class. It was honestly one of my main priorities. I just didn't get one question right out of like eight questions.

God parents are to uptight.

"I'm tired, I gotta get some rest for the baby." I stated blandly, interrupting my mom while she spoke. She surprisingly sent a glare in my direction. I ignored it, guessing it was because I interrupted her while she was speaking. She never liked when people did that...

I got up from the table and walked up to my room, feeling the need to take a long two hour shower. I didn't care if the water ran cold, I needed a relieving shower, and whether the water was warm or cold wasn't going to bother me.

I had made it up the stairs and was about to walk into my room when I heard Andy call my name from his bedroom. I walked over to his door and answered with a quiet, "Yes?"

"Can I talk to you?" He asked with a uneasy look on his face. "Shoot." I stated.

He patted the spot besides him, motioning for me to come sit. I responded by slowly walking over and sitting a little distance away from him. I wasn't ready to open up. I couldn't let anyone in.

He sighed before he looked at me, a hurt expression on his face. I couldn't stand to see him that way, I didn't mean to hurt him. It just happened. I couldn't open up... I couldn't possibly explain. I was this force making me keep away. Something was telling me to stay away...to keep my distance. Something was wrong. I could feel it.

"It's about the baby." He whispered.

I swallowed hard. I can't open up. I can't do this. I can't tell him. I can't tell anyone. I can't hurt him. I can't. I can't do this.

"I thought you said-" He cut me off.

"Fuck what I said Mallory. I care about you and I care about our baby. I'm sick of watching you, hurting yourself by not letting anyone know what's going on. I need you to talk to me. I love you and I'll help you get through whatever it is that you need me with. Mallory just trust me please. I won't ever hurt you again. I was to help you."

He cares about me? Andy actually cares about me. I care about him too, I really do, but I'm not ready for this, for love, for anyone. I can't open up yet. I just can't.

"Andy, I care about you too. I really do. But I'm not ready to open up to anyone right now. I can't. I'm broken and I need someone to fix me. But that person isn't just you Andy. I'm glad you've given me something to hope for but I need everyone else to fix me too. They've all torn me down and right now I'm glad your the first one that want to fix me. Andy I care about you a lot and I'm so happy to hear you say that you care about me to. I was about to give up on all of you, and I'm glad I didn't, but I need some time. I'm not ready for another relationship right now. I can't hurt you like I ended up Evan. I just can't." I said softly before I kissed his cheek and left his room.

I can't open up to him.


This chapter is short IDC Take it or leave it. You guys didn't even supply me with the amount of Comments I asked you for. You shoudn't even be getting this much.

But I was to lazy to punish you so if I don't get approximately 20 COMMENTS and 15 VOTES you guys are NOT getting the next chapter.

A lot of you guys read this so it should be pretty easy right? ONE VOTE AND COMMENT PER PERSON. That way its fair.

And Check out that sexy man to the side, with that amazing song by D.R.U.G.S. <3


"We fear the things we want the most." ~ Robert Anthony.

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