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  • Dedicated to Nailah Hardaway since you never read the updates!! :) Love you girly

{Sneak Peek}

Damian grabbed my arm and snatched me up besides him, his hands against my sides as he forcefully tried to making me dance with him. Music playing in the background blared as I stood there, tears running down my face. "Screw you!" I screamed in his face as he leaned closer to me. I fought against his hold, trying my hardest to get away from him.

To no avail, I was slapped across the face, my cheek stinging with compulsion. I dropped my head, not wanting to look at his face ever again, the fear he filled me with was insufferable to think about. He gave me a feeling no one else could. He made me realize just how much a person could underscore someone else.

I would rather have anyone else, than this brutal...person, that wouldn't come close to being a man. Hurting a woman wasn't the way to acquire manhood, it was a way to become disrespected and discredited.

Damian was my nightmare, and I didn't want anything to do with him, but when people I truly care about get involved, I have no other choice than to fight. And right now Caleb was my reason to fight. I didn't care if he told me not to... he was in trouble here, and I wasn't going to sit here and watch like everyone else did.


Hey guys, I'm finally back with another chapter :) hope you enjoy it! I wrote it all last night! It didn't take to long because I was really wanting to write this one! Anyways, I wanted to ask, did you guys like the way I wrote it last time? Because I'm interested in writing the rest in that format.

And one more thing, I'm doing the 20 comments and 15 votes again and I'm not even going to start writing the next chapter unless you guys give me almost that many votes/comments.

Its only fair because I don't even know if people still enjoy this story anymore and I'm only doing it for you guys, If you guys stopped reading it, I would have taken it down a long time ago, but some of you are generous enough to comment and vote. Thank you so much to my dedicated fans. So guys please don't be ghost readers, I don't want to have to force you guys to vote for me just so you can get the next chapter. I just want votes so I can know that people still like the book.

Please and thank you to whoever reads this.


{ Song Of The Chapter : 3OH!3 - I'm Not The One }

- Chapter 46 -

Mallory crossed her arms over her chest from hastiness. She was worried about Caleb, and she wasn't sure if she should go back to the café or not. He never called her last night, and she had texted him incessantly all day.

It was lunch time and Mallory wasn't touching her food. Agitation eating away her hunger as she sat there staring down at her phone.

Sierra sat besides Mallory, an anguished expression on her face. Mallory didn't pay her much attention as she waited for Caleb to answer her. He had to be alright... She had prayed all the while she was awake last night that he was alright. If he wasn't, she wasn't sure what she'd do. She saw who those men were and if they hurt Caleb, she would know exactly who they were. She would have to bear with having to keep a secret like that.

Caleb told her not to tell anyone, and she didn't, but if Caleb really did get hurt, was it in her place to tell someone she knew who did it to him?

She was engrossed into something she didn't even fully understand. Why would Caleb tell her not to tell anyone? Was Caleb apart of this thing? Was he involved in whatever these guys were doing? Whatever the organization was, why was Mallory in the middle of it? Why did she have to be dragged into something she didn't even know about? She was already in the middle of discombobulation, so why was she all of a sudden going through something else?

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