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- Chapter 14 -

~ Mallory's POV ~

I can't believe I was falling for him. I can't believe that what came out of my mouth would ever come out. I never believed that I would love Andy Biersack.

He didn't want to be with me? He got me pregnant! He told me to come to his house! He screwed me over!!!

And he didn't want to be with me?

I could be the fucking mother of his damn child and still he didn't want to be with me!?

What happened to I love you?

What happened to us ?

Guess there wasn't an us.

There never was and there never will be.

I'm so stupid, to think he would ever love someone like me.

Tears rolled down my checks as we stared into each others eyes.

I wanted to slap him, but most of all I wanted to slap myself.

I should've know something like this would happen.

Worst part is he took my innocence, and now I could be pregnant. With his child.

I looked away from his enchanting blue eyes. I wish I wasn't so stupid !

I went over to the cash register and ordered myself a Cappuccino.

The guy at the register quickly rang me up and handed me my drink. I paid and walked right out the door.

I didn't bother looking back. I knew it would only hurt me.

The cold air blew my hair out of my face, leaving me there to shiver even more.

I sipped my drink and stopped in my tracks.

My head was aching. I felt dizzy. Really really dizzy. (it's making me dizzy writing about it :/. )

"Mallory, wait!" I heard that familiar voice call.

"Why should I?!" I asked as I kept walking.

"because I do love you." he said.

My blood boiled! Love ? Me?

He can't be serious!

After the words he said to me!?!

It's a lie.

He doesn't love me.. No one does.

No ones going to start now.

I finished up my cappuccino and threw the cup away in a nearby trash-can.

"You don't love me." I said harshly. Tears rushed down my checks again.

"Mallory. I swear I'm not lying to you." he said grabbing my arm.

He pulled me back with him to a nearby alley.

"Let go of me!" I yelled at him.

"Not until you believe me!" he said back.

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