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Hey Guys, just wanted to tell you were getting close to the end of the book , I had fun writing this one, hope you like the rest of my books I'm putting up later. I wanted to finish this one up before I officially posted more on here :)

But I just wanted to warn you guys about the end of the book. Sorry this ones over ! But I hope you enjoyed reading it :)

Oh yea, and I'm going to post quotes at the end of every chapter, basically a quote about the chappy :P

Here's the next chapter !

( Pic of Caleb to the right )


- Chapter 44 -

( Song of the Chapter : Flyleaf - All Around Me )

I hate him.

I hate him so much.

"Why are you so mad?" Sebastian asked me, a smirk on his face. "It was just a kiss." He chuckled.

"Screw you!" I hissed, "I have a boyfriend!" I yelled at him angrily.

"So, I have girlfriends." He said as if we were discussing the weather.

I simply rolled my eyes and walked over to my locker, ignoring him the rest of the ways there. "You're such a goody-goody." I heard him mumble.

I opened my locker with ease, before I grabbed my books and slammed it shut, giving Sebastian a death glare before I walked past him.

"I'm telling Andy." I huffed out.

"Aw, don't be a tattle tell!" He begged, sounding a bit scared.

I smirked. "Really sucks for you, because those rumors are gonna spread fast." I said laughing at his baffled expression.

"Dang-it! I didn't think this through!" He yelled before he slammed a locker with his palm, making me jump.

I chuckled just as my phone vibrated in my pocket.

I quickly pulled it out and checked the screen.

Sierra : Hey, where are you? Class is about to start ?!

I smirked before I typed back a message.

Me : I'm on my way, cover for me!

I started walking towards class, knowing she would cover if I was late. I doubted it though, I wasn't that far away from my class..

"Hey, where you going?" Sebastian asked me as he caught up to my pace.

I looked away from him, ignoring him completely.

"Are you seriously ignoring me right now?" he asked.

I didn't answer.

"Real mature, Mallory." he mumbled angrily. I couldn't hold back a small smile as he stomped to his class, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

That's when I remembered, I start work today. Great....work.


I rushed outside just as the last bell rang, tears streaming down my red cheeks.

He broke up with me. Evan broke up with me, and it all Sebastian's fault.


I walked into the cafe after I took a deep breath. I had called my boss, whose names is Caleb, and told him I was coming in today. For a guy, he seemed a little too overjoyed...

I think he might be gay...or an easily excited guy...To bad though, he was really hot...

Caleb gave a small wave as he gave a guy his cappuccino. I returned the gesture before I went around back and got myself an apron. Not long after, Caleb showed me what to do and how. For now I was cleaning tables and serving drinks and food.

It wasn't to bad, my shift was four to eight, not to long, and not to less. Just right.

"Mallory, can you come here for a second please?" Caleb called.

It was almost seven, and not many costumers were here. I picked up my tray and set it down next to the door before I headed after him.

"Yes?" I answered politely.

"You're doing a great job! I just wanted to introduce you to the rest of the team tomorrow! I'm sorry, it slipped my mind. I hope you didn't feel left out or anything, because remember, like I said, were a team! So hopefully tomorrow I won't forget again!" He said happily.

Yep...I'm over him.

"Oh no it was fine, I actually like it here. Less drama." I mumbled the last bit.

"Oh yea, you are still in school aren't you!" He stated.

I wanted to punch him. Oh My God ! Stop talking like that!! Seriously! Is that necessary!?

"Yea, Senior." I commented clearly uninterested, but he couldn't tell. I think he was just happy I was talking back.

"Oh wow. Almost going to college, eh? I never went, Couldn't afford it." He sighed.

"Oh, yeah?" I tried my best not to let the guy down... I mean, he did look happy...

"Oh well look at the time!" He said making me jump as he walked past me. "You should go, I can handle the rest, I'm sure there won't be many customers." He said quickly.

I narrowed my eyes. "Um, OK?. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course," He stated, " Bye now."

I frowned as I grabbed my stuff. I took off my apron and quickly made my way home.

There was something odd about Caleb...He was hiding something, I could just feel it.

One second he's talking like he might be a little gay, and then two seconds later, he's talking like a normal guy.

Something's wrong. I just need to find out what..


Sorry the chapters short, I've been busy with exams, crap, and lots more crap. School, you guys know the usual. But anyways, Just wanted to tell you that this chapter and the last chapter are very important! So if you really want to find something out, pay attention!

Caleb and Sebastian are really important by the way. Just putting that out there.

Well I need more votes guys if you want more chapters! I didn't even want to write this chapter because you didn't give mama no votes ! :( Mama was sad. Lol. But seriously can I get more votes my darlings ? I'd really love that !

And one more thing, I was thinking about doing Q&As If anyone's interested just send me a message ? Maybe.

Well goodbye Lovelies, hope you liked the chapter






~ Devin<3


The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. ~ Albert Einstein.


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