50 ~ Part 1

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Dedicated to leslievizcaino, vain_vanity, emolover195, SierraBooBear, bvbbotdf22101, jamesgirl2098, and a few others for commenting regularly! Love you guys for commenting and voting, and supporting me and this super long story! I love all the things you say! They make me smile all the time and I have to say that you and a few other people have seriously inspired me to keep writing!

And I have to say that, guys the next book cover is amazing. I love it so much and I can't wait to start writing it. I swear its just like the cover just made me want to write a lot more than usual, and the surprising thing is that I made the cover. I think its pretty good I guess, I'll have to post a pre-story kinda thing, maybe a teasers. But anyways, here's the rest of I'm Coming Andy.

{Picture of the super attractive dirty blonde goon to the side>>>}

( Song of the Chapter : Of Mice & Men - You're Not Alone )

- Chapter 50 ~ Part 1 -

I let my head fall, disappointment written all over my face. The cool breeze blew my hair as I stood to my feet and started to walk back to Andy's house. I should've known Caleb wouldn't show. After so long of not speaking. I should've known he would do something like this, and just break me again. This is why I don't let them in. It seems as if this is always going to be the outcome to any situation I'm involved with. He's so self centered. To make me come all the way here, and then not even show up. I was so prepared for a conversation, an explanation, a reason to believe that there was a small chance he would be the good guy. That he would help me like Andy was willing to. All of my worries would have seized, and even if it was just for a second, I would want that, I would need some motivation to keep moving forward. Something to help me get through this, but I guess I was wrong, just like I was with everyone else. They don't care if I'm broken. If I'm torn right down the middle, fighting for my sanity. They just don't care anymore. I can honestly see that now about all the people I use to trust, that I use to care about. It's sad that I can't even get the care I need from my parents anymore. I couldn't do anything about it though. I just wish I didn't come, maybe I wouldn't be so discouraged, so beaten up, and so disappointed. I just wish that something good would happen to me. Something to let me know that, Hey maybe it is worth it? I'm sick of being the push over.

I started walking back, tears welled in my eyes. I tried to stay strong, but like always, things were falling apart right in front of me, and I was sick of holding all my emotions in. I was sick of keeping all the secrets. I was sick of everything, I just wanted things to be alright again, simple, not so complicated and challenging. I just needed these weights off my shoulders. I was tired of carrying all the weight of everyone else around me, whether I was just feeling that way or if I actually was carrying everyone's weights. I wasn't sure, but one thing I knew was I had to come clean with everyone. The truth might just set me free, and finally I can be done. I can't keep lying. I'm done, keeping this away from Andy. He wants to help me. Lying to him won't make the situation any better.

So I'm going to tell him.

As I walked back, I tried a few different tactics about how I should go about this. "Andy, I'm not pregnant."

"The baby's gone."

"Forgive me?"

I sighed deeply, my heart racing as I hugged my jacket around myself. You can do this Mallory. Just tell him. It'll be alright.

I put a small smile on my face, a small wave of confidence taking over as I walked. I looked around at my surroundings and froze for a second before I sped up walking. I tried not to over react as I noticed a black spray painted van behind me as I glanced around quickly. I kept walking, but faster this time. I pulled out my phone that was in my jacket pocket, and dialed Andy's number hurriedly. After three rings he picked up. "Mallory, hey. What's up?" he asked, I could hear the music in the background stop. I furrowed my brows before I remembered what was at hand. I was being followed.

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