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Hey Hey >.< I missed you guys for the past three weeks! I've been to Tennessee and to my grandma's.

You wanna know what me and my cousin did ?

When we were in Tennessee (The Water-park place) we saw SO many cute guys! It was so freaking ridiculous!! I swear i was in pure paradise because i think one of the guys liked me back!

And oh GOD his EYES !! They were so perfectly green and ughhh! I wish i could see him again. The thing is i was into him the whole week I was there. it got so bad that me and my cousin went into stalker mood and just started stalking every hot guy we saw. And I'm surprisingly not afraid to admit it, because I gotta admit. THEY WERE CHECKING ME OUT.

Not trying to sound like I'm self-centered and crap or that I'm in love with myself, but its true, my cousin even agreed that the guy with the green eyes liked me too. So I was a bit jumpy! Come on, I mean if you saw those eyes you would probably be the same way. Lol

Well turns out when she told me she thought he liked me, we were leaving the next day and so I was so pissed because I wanted his number so bad. Well anyways I saw him all day and he jusut nodded his head at me or said hey. yea not much :|

Well the next day I saw him with another girl and I didn't get his number. It hurt like hell.

so I came to a conclusion : Guys suck :3

So just some advise, don't jump as soon as you see him. He might just be a D-bag inside.

Love you always,



Song of the Chapter : ( iwrestledabearonce - Karate Nipples )


- Chapter 41 -

~ Mallory ~

So I guess going outside this late wasn't the best idea, huh? What the hell was I thinking! This shit's cray!

I'm just walking around town and its freaking dark as hell. I feel like such a creep. Hopefully no one else is out here.

Oh my god. What if I run in to a gang... What if I run into a rapist.... what if I run into a serial killer !!??!

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Well then sweetie, you're screwed, a little voice in the back of my head told me.

That I am.

I sighed heavily. God why did I have to let this guy get the best of me!? Am I really that mad? I seriously doubt things were like that with Sierra and Andy, but still jealousy got the best of me. So much that I ran away from my dumb problems.

I feel so pathetic. I bet things would be a lot better with me gone. I felt tears brimming my eyes.

Don't cry, stay strong. You're getting a new job, you have a boyfriend that cares about you, and you have so much more to look forward to. Don't let one obstacle knock you down, get you're ass up and live life to the fullest. Like they say, you only live once.

I sighed once again. Right. Everyone has problems. It'll be OK.

I slowly turned around on my heels ready to make my way back to Andy's house, when a loud bang caught me off guard. I whipped my head around trying to locate where the noise came from, but since it was so dark, I couldn't see anything. BANG.

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