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- Chapter 26 -

I pulled Evan inside my front door. I wanted him to meet my parents for the first time. He wasn't really an open book, besides with me. He wasn't really good at meeting new people.

"Mallory, wait?" he begged.

"What do I say?" he asked desperately.

"Just be Evan. You know minus the perverted crap and bad language." I whispered to him.

He sighed deeply, " Fine, but what if they don't like me?" he asked pouting.

I smiled at my dark haired friend.

"Well they use to like Andy." I said.

That's when it hit me.

Everything came back.

I was pregnant.

My dad hated me.

We can't be here right now. We need to leave, NOW, before my dad comes back and murders us both.

"We have to go." I said shakily.

"What's wrong?" he asked protectively.

Gosh I loved that about him. He would always stick up for me and he was always protective. He wasn't over-attached and he wasn't obsessed. He cared.

He wasn't like Andy. He would have stood up to Sebastian for me. He would've kicked his ass. For ME.

Evan was the best friend a girl like me needed.

"Look it's a really long story." I said pulling him outside. I closed the door and we walked down the drive.

"Well I have time. Call me. Here." he said handing me his phone. I saved my number in his phone then I saved mine in his.

        "Thanks." I said

"No Problem." he said smiling. AGAIN WITH THE DIMPLES.

I smiled half-heartedly at him, and of corse, with him being Evan, he noticed.

He stopped walking and stated at me.

"Stop doing that." he said making me also stop walking.

"Stop what?" I asked confusedly.

"Stop being sad." he added. "Be happy. Please?" he begged me.

"Evan..." I said trying to stop him with the begging.

"I just want you to be happy." he said sweetly.

That really warmed my heart.

I sighed.

God Evan why were you so damn gorgeous!

That's when I was pulled out of my thoughts by a warm hand in mine.

I looked down as Evan interlocked our fingers. My heart was racing.

"I really missed you." he whispered in my ear.

I was frozen. Paralyzed.

He was killing me with all of this! Lord I was going to die if I didn't pull away.

"Mallory!?" I heard a deep voice sound from a distance.

I whipped my head around in that direction and looked at the one yelling my name.

It was Andy. Andy freaking Biersack.

I have to say I was half grateful he came and half ungrateful for him showing up.

I quickly pulled away from Evan and faced Andy as he walked over.

"What the fuck is going on!?" he yelled at me and Evan. Mostly Evan.

I looked back into Evan eyes. They were no longer the reassuring eyes I was use to.

They were dark. Really DARK. Like he was a vampire or something.

He tensed and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"What do you have to do with anything? It's none of your business." he growled at him.

"Look just because your new here doesn't mean you can go running your damn hands over her." Andy said coming on to Evan.

Evan looked down at me giving me a look of reassuring.

Evan then clenched his fist.

"just stay out of our business! God you probably don't even know her middl name." Evan hissed.

"Just leave." he howled.

Andy clenched his jaw at this. I could see the hatred in his eyes.

He was going to swing. I just saw it somehow.

I moved away from Evan in one swift movement and went to block them from hurting each other.

"Stop." I yelled, pushing my hands against both of their chest.

They both looked down at me.

Both anger and sorrow in their eyes.

Andy stared at me with those eyes and my legs felt numb.

Gosh both of them were really bugging me with the damn eyes!

Andy backed away and Evan did too. Thank goodness.

"My mom said dinners at five. Be there no later and no earlier." he said coldly.

He turned on his heels and walking in the direction of his house.


I pulled out my phone and checked the time.

Only 4:30.

I sighed. "Come on Evan." I said pulling him in the direction that Andy was walking in.

""Wait." he said interlocking our fingers once again.

"Evan.." I said looking down at our hands.

"Come on Mallory. Just try." he said desperately.

"Please. I need you right now." he said looking me in the eyes.

I could feel chill bumps rising on my arms.

I looked back into his eyes. I could see the pain that was piercing them.

"Evan. I can't." I said sadly.

He sighed and let his hand fall to his side instead of interlocked with mine.

That made my heart throb, but I didn't really have much of a choice. I was stuck in the middle of things that were just going to come between us.

Wouldn't it?

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