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So this is big number 30! Yay :)

Lol can you guys help get me up to 300 votes !??? Thanks if you try to help :)

I already have like 215 so it's so close to 300 !

Just need like 300 - 215 = what ever you get the picture lol.


Well anyways thanks so much jamesgirl2098 for being the first one to choose a team ! Go Team Andy !!! Lol :)

I still want to know who's team you're on guys !! if you don't tell me I'll send you to the dungeon X0 !!

so if you want the next chapter I expect more feed back please , and thank you ;)

In request of one of my fans ;) I'm writing this whole chapter in Andy's POV


- Chapter 30 -

{Andy's POV}

All day people have come to me telling me about Mallory and her new boyfriend that just moved here.

Some of the rumors were just downright pathetic! some were that she paid him 20 bucks to be her 'boyfriend', and that he was just using her, or he went to a different school and ditched to see her.

I had one word for it all, BULL!

Complete Stupidity. That was a good word, and most importantly it was 100% true.

Didn't people have lives ? Like seriously , I mean sure I wanted to know what was true and what wasn't, but did they really have to go that far?

Mallory would never be a slut..... I was sure of that, but what I wasn't sure of was if she was really dating that guy....

What was so great about him anyways?

I was most likely built better, I was most likely stronger, nicer.... he had nothing on me. Total honesty in my opinion.


Lunch came around faster than I'd expected. Before I knew anything I was being dragged in by some blonde bimbo. Oh joy.

As Blondie pulled me too a near table I noticed Mallory walk in the cafeteria with that dick next to her. His arm was hung over her shoulders , and it surprised me how she had forgotten me so quickly. Ouch that stung a little.

So she wants to play around eh? Let the Games Begin.


Bimbo finally got me down in a chair and sat on my lap. Who was this chick? I didn't recognize her at all....

She started babbling on about god knows what and I couldn't even get a word in to tell this bitch to shut up.

She was annoying me so I finally shoved her off onto the floor. I've never heard anyone talk so much in my damn life! Jeez-us! She looked up at me as soon as she got up. She was pretty pissed off I have to say, but she didn't scare me at all.

Following her lead I stood up and towered over her. She was about 5'4 maybe , and I was around 6'7.

She stomped her foot like a child in front of me. "You're such a jerk!!" she yelled in my face.

I smiled at her, " I hear it all the time." I said simply. That's when she got mad. Her face was bright red and full of hate. She turned on her heels and walked away with a few growls every now and then.

Thank god she was gone.... Now I could live with out any other bimbos annoying me.

"Hey Andy!" I heard a soft voice say.

Damn it ! really another one!?

I don't even know most of them!!!!

I turned around ready to yell at the girl, but instead of finding a blonde bimbo, I found Lexi.

Lexi was a bit of a slut but I mean she was hot. Who gives a fuck if she was a slut? I know I didn't.

My frown immediately turned into a smirk as she walked over to me.

She had long brown hair that stopped mid-back, bright green/blue eyes, the perfect lips, and a small nose. She was pretty. Not beautiful...

I have to say that she was really good looking, but she didn't have natural beauty. She was completely fake.

She use to be a nerd. With big glasses and everything. But I guess in high school she changed, and so did everything else about her. If you know what I mean.

"Hey, sexy." she purred in my ear.

God her voice...

I smiled at her.

"Hey, baby." I said back to her.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to 'study' later?" she asked winking at me.

(If you don't understand, then that's sad.)

"I would but I'm busy tonight. How about tomorrow, your house?" I asked her with a sexy smile on my face.

"Perfect." she said before handing me a slip of paper and walking away to her own table.

I looked at the slip. It had her number written on it and a little note,

'Text me sexy. Can't wait for tomorrow ;) 

          - Lexi <3 .'

was written in cursive.

There's my first contestant. Wonder if Mallory can last a week with that guy...

Probably not.


The lunch room was almost full. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to talk to Mallory. I HAD to.

I walked over to the table where her and her 'boyfriend' were sitting and tapped her shoulder.

She turned around and when she saw me her eyes bulged. Was she really scared of me again ? Haha guess that's a good sign? Eh? 

"What?" she asked me.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked her.

She looked back at Evan and then back to me. She stood up and then followed me out into the hall.

"What happened? Why aren't you talking to me?" I asked her.

She stared at me at first with shock, but that shock soon turned to anger, and she was pissed.

"What the hell do you mean!? You tried to kill me!!" she yelled at me.

"Kill is a strong word." I said smiling at her.

"How can you talk to me? After you tried to kill me?" she asked.

"Do you really think I'm just going to come crawling back to you?" she added in.

"Yea I do. I know you can resist me. You know it drives you crazy when I touch you." I said placing my hand on her waist.

She froze up a little. She knew I was right.

"Could you please stop?" she asked me.

"Babe I know you still love me." I stated. "Don't hide it." I added before I went in to kiss her.

She moved away from me seconds before our lips touched and she left me there. She left ME there!

That's not how it works around here. She's going to regret that.


So guys VOTE, VOTE , VOTE! Please !?

And corny your team ! Andy - bad boy? Or Evan - good guy?

Lol I love you guys :) hope you liked this chapter , it's getting better soon. Might be a little more in the next one , but anyways I hope you liked it !

Message me privately if you don't want to in the chapter thing , lol , I respond to any and everyone!

Love you,

          - Devin<3

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