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Hey guys :) I was really glad to see that you gave me 20 comments and 30 votes in like less than a week ! I was beyond happy ! Thanks guys , just wanted to say that , I love you all :)

Well anyways , I was wondering if you guys wanted to send me private messages of what you think will happen in the story ;)

I was to know if any ones going to catch on ?? Well I'm going to just put this out there, my wonderful step-sister helped me figure out a wonderful idea for the story , Thanks sissy for everything !! ;P

I honestly love this chick because shes super supportive even though she can be annoying at times lol , JK >.< but still shes awesome because she was like my first fan , other than my mom anyways (No that was not a joke, so stop laughing....) well anyways YOU get my point .

Well on with the story shall we ? I know you guys love that AndyXMallory thing that's going on ;) and I know some of you love that EvanXMallory thing , you know who you are ;)

But honestly I'm into Andy right now because hes being sweeeet!!

Lol well here's the story my little chocolate covered cupcakes... wait I hate chocolate.... ehh, oh well here's the next chappy !!!


( Song of the chapter : Crown the Empire - The Fallout )


- Chapter 40 -

I woke up the next morning completely exhausted, so exhausted that I didn't have the mental strength to get out of bed.

My head was throbbing from an on coming headache and my feet felt as if they were on fire. Gosh, this sucks.

I pushed myself up enough to go to the bathroom and try to fix myself. When I was welcomed by the lovely mirror, I found a birds nest on my head, red marks all over my arms and a few light ones on my face, and big brown eyes staring back at me.

Yea were going to go and take a shower now....

I quickly made it to my closet and grabbed a pair of red skinny jeans and a dark t-shirt. On my way to the bathroom I also grabbed a towel, then went inside to take a long warm shower.


Once I finished my shower, I dried off and put my out fit on. I quickly brushed my teeth and then grabbed my phone and ran down stairs.

I decided to let my hair air dry, it tended to dry faster that way anyways.

I walked down stairs to find Andy in the kitchen drinking an Arizona. I didn't give him a second glaze as I walked out the front door.

Today I had to find a job, whether I liked it or not.

I began my walk down the neighborhood , while the wind licked against my arms and checks. I hugged myself and tried warming myself by rubbing my arms with no such luck. I sighed in defeat.

Do not go back, I kept telling myself. I knew why I wasn't going back in there... I just wouldn't admit it if someone asked me. I was jealous of my best friend.

I was mad that she was talking to him more than I was. It wasn't fair, especially when she knew I liked him.

I angrily sighed as I picked up my pace. I was now walking out of the neighborhood, thank god we weren't in the middle of no where or I would have been screwed.

I walked towards to town and got there a lot faster than intended.

The first place I saw was a small Cafe. I was practically running like a crazed dog just to get inside.

Once I stepped inside, I was immediately welcomed by the heaters above to door.

I walked to the counter and decided I should get a coffee since I would be running all day.

"Hey what can I get you today, Beautiful?" The cute cashier asked me.

I blushed. "Um, can I get a Cappuccino?" I asked before smiling at him. "Sure." He said before returning the smile.

I quickly paid for the drink and sat down when I received it. OK, we need a game plan. Where must we go first? and when will we finish?

I looked around the small cafe and found a lot of young adults my age working here. Hmm, I wonder if they need anymore employees.

I stood to my feet and walked back over to the counter where the cute cashier was, "Hey, I was wondering if you guys were hiring?" I asked sweetly.

He smiled, " Yea, we are actually."

"Great, can I talk to the manager?" I asked excitedly.

"Well, you're talking to him now." He said smiling.

Wow, I was beyond surprised. I wasn't sure if it was because of how young he was or because he was very attractive.

He handed me a few papers to fill out. I was almost positive he would hire me so after I finished all the paper work and gave it back to him, I just started to make my way home.


I walked inside to find Sierra and Andy on the couch watching a movie. I was beyond pissed off, not to mention the arm Andy had around her. I almost growled at them when they tried to explain.

I ran up stairs to my room slammed the door and locked it behind me. It was around 2:34 PM when I got home, and I've been in my room crying ever since. Its around 6:00 now.

I'm done with just sitting here. No more tears.

I got up out of bed and headed to my closet where I grabbed a black jacket and I changed into a pair of black skinny jeans to match. I pulled my hood over my head and slipped my all black converse on my feet.

I went to my makeup and put on mascara and eyeliner. Lots of eyeliner. I even threw on a dark shade of red lip stick. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror.

"Perfect." I said out loud.

I grabbed my phone and walked over to the window. Thank the lord, there's a tree!

I quickly made my way down with ease and jumped down when I was able to. I started walking out of the neighborhood again. Except for the fact that it was really hard to see because it was close to being pitch black.

I decided on making a stop at the cafe before going on my adventure. I still wasn't sure what I was going to do exactly yet.


Hey guys sorry its short this was honestly just a filler . I wanted to tell you guys that Im kinda loosing interest in the story, I dont know why just am :P I want to start another story and it just like I'm forgetting all about this one , but dont worry I'm still going to finish this one , I promise.

No worries :P lol

But I do still want you guys to guess what happens (Please do private messages) , becuase this is where stuff starts to get good ! Well in my opinion it does :)

40 Votes and 30 comments? I'll give you another update :P !




LOVE Andy Beirsack <3

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