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Hello fellow readers! Well I would like to take this time to , Firstly apoligize for all the grammar and spelling incorrections. I promise to edit my mistakes later on. Secondly thank you all for taking the time to read my story. I could not believe how many reads this story is getting by the days. Lastly, to talk about Social Media!!! Maybe not all of you guys have an Instagram, but for those who do I'm putting my instagram here. Also a big Shout out to rusher448 she will be translating my story in spanish. Please go tell anyone you know if they speak Spanish and want to read my story. Also once again thank you guys so much!!!! Oh! (Sorry) if you guys haven't yet already checked out my other stories I recommend you guys to. Well more like encouraging you guys to, but if you guys don't want to then that's fine too.
Instagram name:

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