She started it!

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As I entered class I kind of dreaded it since I had Sarah, susan , and makyla in that class. On the bright side I have marisela and a few other friends.

"Alice Im about to slap Susan shes literally all over Ernie!" Marisela whispered.

I looked back and saw susan drawing invisible circles on Ernie's leg.

Oh did I forget to mention Ernie was here.

"Dont worry she'll get what she deserves."

Through the whole class I swear I wanted to just jump out the window . Susan would always giggle so loudly annoying the fuck out of me.

I ended up grabbing a piece of paper and crumbling it up.

I gave it to marisela and she gladly threw it at her.

The giggling stopped.

I think we did the class a favor.

the bell then rang and marisela waited for ernie . I stayed with her and I noticed Makayla walking toward me.

"So I heard you and Marvin are 'Dating' now," She said obviously sounding pist.

"Yea why," I asked not looking scared.

"Bitch he's mine," she snarled at me trying to intimidate me.

It would of worked but Im not really scared of her anymore.

"He's not yours you don't own him!" I spat.

"Look you bet-"

"How about you just move on from my boyfriend," I spat and walked away. Marisela and Ernie were waiting for me outside of class . We walked for a bit till susan came.

"Ernie," She purred trying to get his attention.

"Hey?" He said it kind of awkwardly and not really waiting to start a conversation with her .

"Hey I wanted to talk to you about something," she said sending him a wink. Marisela saw that and that's what made her snap.

"Look bitch stay the hell away from my boyfriend!" She yelled pushing her back.

Susan looked pist and one thing lead to the other and BOOM!

They started fighting.

I tried to pull them apart but then I was kneed to the stomache and that wasn't any girl that was


I groaned and looked up to see her smiling.

"Better back away from him," She hissed.

I tried to get back up but fail so I grabbed her by the arm and she fell.

I started punching her and I felt good. She then flipped the tables on me but I blocked her punches.

I kicked her stomach and she stayed down groaning.

I noticed Christian was the one holding me .

"enough," He said making me cross my arms.

"Ernie get Marisela off susan," He yelled .

Ernie looked like he was trying but Marisela really had her grip on her. Susan kept screaming in pain and begging for mercy.

" Marvin Hold Alice," Christian yelled throwing me to Marvin. Marvin looked mad at Christian for throwing me to him. I felt hurt but I wasn't in the mood to let my emotions get to me so I walked away with Marvin.

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