One of those days

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Today was Monday so that meant school. Yayaya note my sarcasm im not to thrilled but whatever's.I quickly washed my face and put on a striped shirt light red with white it showed a bit clevage but not too much. 

The fabric is really comfy ill say that. I put on a pair of my favorite skinny jeans. . I decided to wear some converse since today was my lazy look. I decided to just brush my hair since it was already wavy. I also added a bit of eyeliner and mascara.  

"Perfect," I said when I looked in the mirror and got my brown bag. Once I was downstairs I saw lils eating alone. 

"Lils why so lonely," I said as I took a set near here. 

"It's always been this way," she said quietly. I can see she didn't like the idea but seems like she's use to it. "Well not no more how about we eat together in the mornings," I said and with those words Lilys smile grew bigger. She then hugged me and of course I returned the hug. 

"So what you eating," I said looking at her pb&J sandwich. "Ummm how about we make pancakes, " I said smiling at her. she didn't hesitate to answer she quickly jumped off her chair and went near the cabinets to try and find the supplies needed. I ended up going to where she was since she couldn't find the supplies. I got the mix out and bowl. Lily helped me with the measures and this girl is a genius when it comes to measurements also knowing what's too much or too little. The whole time we would laugh or crack jokes. After 10 minites with the mix we finally had enough to start making some pancakes. "Get the plate ready!" I said excited since I was going to try and flip the pancake to make it on the plate. Lily couldn't stop giggling and it was so contagious that I started giggling. "Okay, okay 1..., 2..., ..3!" I yelled and smiled. I turned to see lily with the pancake on her plate. "And she made the landing!" I said in my crappy announcer voice. Lily just laughed and got the syrup out along with the milk.  

After we finished eating I asked my mom permission to take the spare car to school. Also to give lily a ride to school and with that she said yes. I smiled and went downstairs to tell lily to get her backpack cause im driving her to school. She jumped in excitement and we took off. 

As we were cruising down the street I decided to turn on the radio.


This startled me and lily . Don't get me wrong I love kelly Clarkson its just the volume was set to maximum. I turned It down but we countined listening to the song. Lily and I started singing along since its a good song.

" Thanks to you I got a new thing started 

thanks to you im not the broken hearted 

thanks to you Im finally thinking 'bout me you in the end the day you left was just a new beginning... 

In the end....... 

what doesn't kill you makes you stronger-"

I turned down the radio once I was parked in lilys school. Ill pick you up after school so don't talk to strangers hun," I said playfully trying to hold a serious expression. Lily just laughed and shook her head. 

"Im not 7 anymore, " She said smiling and waving goodbye.  

I drove off and went to school. I had 10 minutes before the bell rang so I decided to go and buy myself a coffe by a nearby Starbucks that was right across from my school.

I entered starbucks and was imidately hit with the smell of black beans . I smiled and looked up to see a young lady with a genuine smile. I smiled and orders a vanillia ice coffe. since that one is my favorite.  

Once I got my coffee I paid the lady and tipped her cause she was really sweet to me and left. I walked towards school and went to my locker just to see a note sticking out. 

I grabbed the note and read it. weird enough it was crumbled and I looked at it.

"met me up between lunch time by the back of the school."

Weird? but im not going to go alone im a have someone go with me maybe Sarah or susan.  

I have to stop being scared and just grow balls and go by myself. What's the worse that can... never mind I shouldn't even go. That is if I don't want to get kidnapped or hurt.

I got to class quickly but it wasn't hard to see I was nervous.  

Class went by so fast that I was in my fourth period when the bell rang. Crap! Lunch time.

I went to my locker once again and christian was there. 

"Hey," I said happy to see him. 

"Hey so who are you meeting at the back of the school," he said randomly. 

"Did you re-" 

"Yea I read the letter but because it was tempting to so who are you meeting, " he said interrupting what I was saying. 

"I don't know... ," I said nervously since I kinda am scared . 

"Well ill come along," he said sounding protectively. 

"Im a big girl so please don't worry about me," I said sounding a little annoyed. He put up his hands in surrender making me giggle. He smiled and hugged me then left. I took a deep breath and walked towards the back of the school and waited. while I waited I could help but feel nervous. What if this was Makayla's plan? Or what if someone wrote that as a joke ? I seriously just need to calm down an-

Just then I felt someone put there hand over my eyes and another over my mouth. "Give me your money ," Was all the person said.

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