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Once we got the whole night planned out I went into my room to talk to Ernie. "Hey ernie how does it feel loosing to some girls," I said smirking at him. He just laughed and rose his eyebrow at me. "I wasn't the only one who got beat by a girl," he said walking over to the couch in my room. "So out of both girls which one do you find attractive," I said trying to see if he likes Marisela. Mentally I was praying he wouldn't say Alice and I was soon relieved when he didn't say her name.

"To be honest... Marisela. She's funny and very outgoing not to mention very beautiful, " he said smiling while looking at the ceiling.

I just nodded smiling and I started thinking about Alice. Until he interrupted my thoughts.

"So you and Alice..." He said trailing off. My eyes widened anf I turn to look at him.

"Yea were good friends," I said sounding like whatever's. Ernie just shook his head and laughed. "Your so whipped ," He said while standing up .

Just then the door opened and there stood Alice."Hey guess things are set for the movie night," She said while flashing me a wink. With that she was out my door.

Before I took a step forward Ernie stopped me.

" Yea 'just good friends' ," He said with putting quoting marks on just good friends. I pushed him playfully causing him to chuckle. Once we made our way over to Alice's room we sat down. I sat near Alice and Ernie sat by Marisela. Just then Alice laid out five movies we were watching. I liked them all but the last one I wasnt crazy about.

"Okay so well be watching Fast N the furious 6, then The hang over 3 , then Paranormal 4, then Just go with it, and last but not least Twilight breaking down part 2," She saId smiling wide.

"But I haven't even seen the Part one," Ernie whined. I knew he was only joking but Alice didn't know that. "Ohhhh!!! We can watch both parts then ," She squealed and went to get it. Ernie was sitting next to me and Marisela so I smacked him in the head.

"Good going I didn't even want to watch the second one now I have to watch the first part.

3 Hours later....

We were barely finishing up with Hang over 3. To be honest I was wide awake after seeing Fast N furious 6. I loved it and so did everyone else. I looked to my right to see Marisela and Ernie laughing. It also looked like Ernie was trying to pull a move on her but was getting shy. He never gets shy around around let alone girls.



I would never admit it but I can't stand scary movies. I always get to scared. Christian noticed how scared I was getting because he put his arms around me pulling me closer to him. I looked up at him and gave him a big smile. I gave him a peck to the cheek and looked to my right to see Marisela and Ernie snuggled up. With some minutes I saw Them kissing. I nudged Christian and he looked and saw Marisela and Ernie kissing.

"Damn..." Christian whispered and looked at me. I smiled and felt my mission a success. Lets just say Christian found out she was scared of scary movies.

I hugged him and it felt right being in his arms and him holding me. We pulled apart slowly and stopped once our faces were close to eachothers. My breathing became a bit slower and next thing you know were leaning in closer. I closed my eyes and our lips touched within seconds. His arms snaked around my waist and my around his neck. Pretty soon no one was paying attention to the movie. Just then I pulled away and bit my lip. I couldn't stop smiling and neither could he. My attention went back to the tv. Just then my phone vibrated and it was a message from 'The cutie'

I opened up his message to see what he wrote

From: The cutie ;)

Heyyy I hdjfjf Nudkers ars harse to spell anwaus I jdkd

I was confused so put my phone aside.

Just then the lights went out and I heard a scream.

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