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Alice pov

As I sang I couldn't help but think about that moment my brother left us. Why didn't he want to stay? I wish I could see him again. I guess a big part of me still hopes he'll come back after a year.

Lately I've been thinking things through. Why did he leave? I remember him always being loud but the last few days before he left he seemed nervous. My only question was why would he be nervous.

As I stopped singing I left my piano and walked over to my nightstand. I got out my journal and started writing like I always do. I decided to stop hoping since it might never happen.

I then connected my iphone with the speakers and bursted out my music.

Once I put shuffle my Song came on. 'The way' by Ariana grande started playing. I then put on some booty shorts with my sports bra. I then started dancing to the song. I started moving my body to the rhythm and got lost in the song that I love.

I kept dancing and noticed Lily joining me. We started singing and I was dancing with her.

I started cracking up when she tried doing a shasay. Funny enough I can't even do a shasay but just for fun I tried and we ended up falling to the floor.

"I like you!" Lily said in between laughs. I then smiled big and got up. She then grabbed my hand and next thing you know she starts tickling me and I ended up on the floor again.

I then started tickling her causing her to fall. We kept laughing and tickling each other we didn't even notice someone by the door. Once we grew exhausted and were able to breath properly. I looked up to see no one other then christian. He had a smile and loving eyes.

He looked at his sister who kept smiling and laughing. He leaned closer to my ear. "You know she hasn't smiled like that or laughed for over 7years. "

I starred at him in disbelief because I didn't know if he was lying or telling the truth. "7years?" I repeated again. He nodded his head and I was there looking at lily who kept dancing to my music.

"Your Insecure don't know what for

your turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or

Don't need make up to cover up being the way that you are is eno-o-ough"

Christian rose his eyebrow and smirked. "You like one direction?" I looked at the floor that suddenly seemed so interesting with its light and dark patterns that lin-

"Do you?" He asked again .

I couldn't help but smile. "Yea..." I said feeling happy. Before he could say something I went over to where his sister was and we started singing. "BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE THE WAY THAT YOU FLIP YOUR HAIR GETS ME OVERWHELMED BUT WHEN YOU SMILE AT THE GROUND IT AIN'T HARD TO TELL YOU DON'T KNO-O-OW YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR BEAUTIFUL!!!" we both sang in union. Christian just laughed at us .

At one point in the song we flipped our hair and gave a sassy pose. I then lowered the volume. "Why don't we go downstairs to eat something?" Lily asked just then all our stomachs rumbled

I nodded my head and showed them the kitchen and to my surprise my mom and christians mom had already cooked some spaghetti with garlic bread. "YUM!!!" lily said as she sat down on yhe chair. I went and settled the table. Christian to my surprise came and helped me out.

Once we made small talks and finished eating. I went to wash the dishes and christians mom ended up drying them. Once we were done we chatted a bit and I went up to my room. It was peaceful till someone knocked on my door. I opened it to see Christian standing there dressed up. He looked nice and real fit. I looked down and I had my bunny pjs with ny hair in a messy bun. "Bunny pjs hahaha anyways you want to go to that fair?"

My head shot up when I heard him talk about the fair. "Well I don't wanna be a third wheel." I said truthfully since that was the reason I turned down susans offer. "My girlfriend isn't going to come I didn't invite her since she really doesn't like fairs," He said. I then accepted his offer and closed the door to go change. I ended up settling with some shorts with a white tank top with a sweater of strips. I made a french braid and decided not to wear make up. It was currently 5pm once I came outside and walked down the stairs there he was with his hands in his pocket waiting for me. To be honest he looked freaken hot well he always does. But I'm just admiring how handsome he is. I can't start crushing on any guy cause u want to be independent psh boyfriends can wait till I've graduated. Plus christian has a girlfriend who I'm sure he loves. "Lets go?" He said breaking me out of my thoughts. "hmp oh yea!" I said walking out the door. My mom had given christian money for the both of us since he asked my mom ahead of time. I was ready to have my fun. I was a bit nervous how tonight was going to go. " You know you should of kept those bunny pjs," He said chuckling. I playfully hit him and giggled. "Oh yea ill wear my pjs if you wear yours," I said looking at him. He smirked at me "I sleep naked," He said winking at me. My eyes grew wide and I looked at him in a 'Ewww-what-the-fuck' facial expression. He just laughed in my response. "Im kidding," He said as he bursted out laughing. I sighed in relief "Thank God!"

Once we reached the fair I heard a high pitched voice scream christians name. He rolled his eyes and seemed annoyed. I turned to see a red haired girl with black converse and a light brown shorts with a flowery top and her hair curled. Her make up was dark but it fitted her light skin. Im a natural tan so I was light or dark but tan.

She gave me an attitude by the way her eyes burned through me. I stood there awkwardly while her eyes roamed me. "Who is she," She said in a disgusted tone. "She's a good friend of mine and please don't use that tone," He said noticing her tone toward me. "Whatever have fun with her since your obviously protecting her goodbye!" She said as she walked away.UGH! GREAT I made a couple fight for my appearance being at the fair with her boyfriend but were only friends. Right?!?!

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