Love or Lust

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Well the night was half ruiened but we tried to make the best out of it. Me and Marvin decided to take a walk around the beach. It wasn't that dark it wasn't hard to see or anything .

"So whats your favorite color," Marvin spoke up.

"Why the question ?"I asked.

"Well I want to get to know you better."

I couldn't help but smile .

" Baby blue and you."

" I like Red and Black," He answered .

"Favorite food."

" umm Mexican food."

"FAvorite movie," I had to think about it.

" Immortals."

" Ahhh your into geek folk tales ," He said.

" Well yea im really interested in the greek tales of their gods."

" You remind me of one of the gods," Marvin piped in.

" Which one ?"I asked.

" Aphrodite, " I couldn't help but blush.

I hope he couldn't see me blushing .

" Its cute when you blush,"

Shot he can see me blushing.

" Thank you," I let a giggle escape my lips.

We were near my house and we said our goodbyes. He leaned in and kissed my cheeks.

I was obviously taken back but I still smiled.

After he left I went up to my room and took a wuick showered. Once I got out I quickly put on my undergarments. I wrapped my towel around my hair to make it dry up. Next thing you know a drunk Christian enters my room. I shrieked since Im only in my bra and panties . I noticed how his eyes scanned my body and written all over them was lust.

"Christian get out!" I ordered but he came closer .

"C-c-christian!" I Yelled. Every step he took closer I took a step back. that was till I was cornered.

He looked down at me since he is taller . He licked his lips and leaned closer. I had my hands on his chest trying to push him back. It didn't work since his lips smashed onto mine.

His hungry tongue attacking mine and for some reason I wasn't fighting back. I felt my knees weaken and my heart beating faster.

His hands wrapped around my waist. He bit my lower lip and smirked when I let out a moan.

' Stop this! before its too late' My mind yelled . But I couldn't stop.

He pulled away for air as did I. We were breathing heavily. His eyes never left mine they were locked together since we couldn't look away.

" I like you, I really do but I know I'll end up hurting you," He said making me get upset.

" You won't just let yourself fall," I whispered as our lips brushed past eachother.

" Im a bad boy and up to no good," He stated looking at my lips.

" Your not bad people see you like that because there judgeful without even knowing what you've been going through," I answered him. He kissed my lips and this time he tapped on my thigh indicating me to jump which I did. I wrapped my legs around his torso. He walked towards my bed and laid my down. I can see he was getting an erection but what he said next surprised me.

" Good night Alice," He said as he pecked my lips.

"Night," I whispered back.

I am kind confused on what happened.


I woke up to my alarm and noticed it was 5am. I stood up the cold breeze hitting my skin. I looked down and remembered I fell asleep only in my undergarments. I quickly brushed my teeth and put on some shorts and a loose tee. I brushed my hair so it can go straight. I walked down the stairs to see Lily , Christian, and the girl from yesterday. She had her arms wrapped around Christian. I walked straight to the kitchen and noticed my phone was there. It started ringing and I quickly picked it up

***** Conversation*****

A: Hey Marisela!

M: Hey! So you and marvin

A: Yea were 'just Friends'

M: Mhmm anyways me and Ernie are going out for lunch wanna come

A: But I don't have anyone to take-

M: You have Marvin just invite him

A: Yea I suppose ill text him

M: Great so its a double date

A: Wait what?!?!

M: Anyways ugh ! I don't like that girl susan did you see how she was all over ma man

A: Oh I know im sorry I didn't think she would say that

M: it wasn't your fault

A: So what time

M: at 4 be ready for that date

A: wait wh-

M: Byeeee!

******* END CONVERSATION******

"uGh!!" I groaned I hate when people do that.

"Alice we need to talk," I heard his voice say.

"There's nothing to talk about," I said rudely.

"Look what happened yesterday was a mistake im sorry I did that I wa-

"Drunk I know I know. .. Now if you excuse me I have to go somewhere," I spat.

" Where? " He asked. Why should he care !

" None of your business " I replayed coldly.

I marched straight to my room and applied some mascara . I kept the loose tee and put on some baby blue jeans. I grabbed my purse and left.

I noticed Lily there. She looked uncomfortable next to her brother and the girl. ..

"Lily would you like to go with me," I asked. her head shot up and she ran over to me.

"Where are you guys going," He asked again.

"Like I said before none of your damn business! " I replied .

"Damn rude," I heard the girl mutter.

" Only to people like him and apparently you," I said rolling my eyes .

I looked at lily and we both left.

"Gosh she's such a bitch ," Lily said.

My eyes opened wide I have never heard her swear.

" Lily," I said.

"Oops," She said making me giggle.

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