dates do's and don'ts

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I arrived at Yellow baskets since that's where we agreed. Lily was so excited I tagged her along since She Loves Yellow basket. I Took my mom's dodge avenger cause I like that car. I would of taken her Dodge Challenger but she took it to work. She actually got a job for Christians mom so they work in the same place but different positions. My mom being the boss and Christians mom her secretory .

" I don't like Christian's Girlfriends they tend to have everything in common," Lily said slouching in her seat.

"And what's that honey," I asked even though I had an idea.

"There all sluts, mean, and very self centered," Lily muttered. I couldn't help but laugh since I've noticed that.

"Well I guess your brother is attracted to those types of girls." I let a sigh escape my lips.

"I wish he went for girls like you," Lily said lowly. I heard her but I pretended like I didn't.

We had arrived at yellow baskets and I saw Marisela barely getting out of Ernie's car. When she saw me she ran to me. She tackled me in a hug I almost fell but I kept my balance.

"come on let's go there's food calling our names." She grabbed a hold of me and Lily. Lily kept giggling and it made me laugh.

Once we entered Ernie told us to go sit down.

"So who's this little princesses." Lily couldn't stop smiling to Marisela's compliment.

"this is lily She's Christians sister."

Just then I saw Christian enter with the chick holding hands. Ernie came and sat down . He noticed Christian and called him over . I looked at my phone to see I had a text.

From: The cutie <3

Hey I'll be there in a bit with a special surprise

I sent him a quick text

To: The Cutie <3

Can I get a hint :) and can't wait to see you here

I looked up to see Christian and his girl sitting net to us. I looked up to see Lily looking upset.

"I need to go to the bathroom," Lily announced.

"I'll go with you," The brunette volunteered . lily gave me pleading eyes so of course I had to say something.

" I'll go," I said as I stood up.

"Why can't Beatrice go," Christian asked clearly angry.

"Well cause I-

"I don't like her she's just another one of your sluts," Lily spat . Everyone stayed quiet until Beatrice spoke up.

"well aren't you a brat!" Beatrice hissed. Lily stood up and ran out. I stood up and slapped Beatrice across the face as hard as I could.

"Why get angry over the truth," I said and ran out. I noticed Lily was sobbing on some guy. I noticed that was Marvin who calming down Lily.

I walked toward Lily and stroked her hair. She soon calmed down and took deep breaths.

"Do you want to go back or we can go else where," I suggested.

"I'll go back since I really want to eat," She stated.

We all walked in to see Marisela giving Death glares to Beatrice.

"Hey You guys foods ready," Marisela said sounding happy and relieved.


Once we finished eating We sat there. let me just say it wasn't too awkward just a tad. Marvin cleared his throat getting my attention First thing I saw was a gift bag.

" This is your surprise," He said handing me the bag. I looked inside to see an amazing sculpted Aphrodite . I was speechless and super happy.

"Marvin this is.. Amazing." I felt tears forming in my eyes. I've never had anyone hand sculpt me a small statue.


We all left our separate ways. Marisela had to go home. Ernie went with Christian to play basketball. Of course Beatrice went with them.

I went to Knotts with Marvin and Lily.

Let's just say by the end of the night I wasn't single anymore. He had asked me out and Lily kept bugging me to say yes. Even without her telling me what to say I knew I want to be with someone like Marvin.

we were now infront of my house.

"Thanks for today," I said facing Marvin.

He leaned closer and gave me a sweet kiss. We pulled away "Anything for you," He said.

Me and lily walked home to see our moms were home.

"Mom Hey!" I yelled with excitement.

It's weird when she's home but i'm not complaining since we always make up the time by doing this mother and daughter bonding time.

My dad was always traveling so it was nothing new. I skyped him sometime but I missed him dearly.

" Well we all planned a fun trip for us."

I looked at her to continue.

"Well were going camping honey in the next three weeks well be going off for about a week," She stated.

Great this out to be fun

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