flying on cloud 9

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1 year



"Christian stop," I giggled trying to pull away from Christians embrace.

"No!" he playfully stated attacking my cheek with his kisses. Its been at least three months and we finally became official. Everyone kind of new we would become a thing but I didn't want to get in a relationship right away. I felt so guilty for Marvin since he was nothing but nice to me. Rumor has it that he changed a lot and doesnt let any on push him over. I know it because of me he turned into such a jerk. Who am I to judge though....

I can't help but feel guilty for making him turn into someone like that. But deep down I know he's still the same Marvin.

"Babe lets go to the beach today," He announced making me smile.

"I'd like that," I replied getting into his car.

"I still can't believe your mom and my mom are working together in a big company now," I said still amazed on how successful they've gotten. For crying out loud we live in a three story house and Christian's car is his dream truck.

"I know right. Crazy. Now lets get going," He announced as i pecked him on the lips. Of course one single kiss wouldnt be enough. He grabbed my face and deepend it. His lips are so soft and everything about him drives me nuts. His lips caressed my own as his tounge shipped over my bottom lip. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him toward me. The way our lips moved in sync just made everything kind of fade away. After a while I pulled away due to oxygen. He smirked seeing me breathless.

"I hate how you have that effect on me," I mumbled making him laugh in response.

"But you love me still," he taunted making me smack him.

We drove away and I grabbed my sunglasses and put them on since the sun was shinning bright.

The breeze pushed my hair back and felt good when it would blow in the direction toward my face.

We stopped in a red light and I noticed the people next to us was no other then Marvin and Tessa. Tessa is such a nice girl and a old friend of mine when we were in elementary till freshmen year. We kind of went our own ways cause of Sarah. I should of listened to Tessa. I'm shocked on how much she changed. She's no longer has her hair up in a bun. Her hair is a nice Brunette color other than blonde.

"Babe!" Christian whined trying to get my attention.

"Yesss...." I replied raising an eyebrow at him trying to look serious.

"You know you look really hot when you look at me like that."

The faint pink on my cheeks probably blew up my cover. I smiled at him and he held my hand with his own. I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder as he drove away. The light turned green either way.

"Isn't the beach that way?" I asked confuse to why he made that turn.

"Mmm.... that it is. But we're going to a special beach that I used to go to when I was a little kid," he announced catching me by surprise.

"I bet you weren't this annoying with surprises," I mumbled wanting to know where it was.

"I still was back then," he remarked keeping that smirk I've grown to love and hate. I gotta admit though he looks very hot.

"Close your eyes babe," he stated making me close my eyes.

"Are they close?" he asked opening my door.

"Mhm," I hummed smiling in excitement.

Just then he carried me over his shoulder. I squealed obviously surprised by his actions.

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