a better turn to life

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Wow... was all I could say. I never felt this way.. Ever

What is it about her that's so special?Why can't I get her out of my head? sure I've done this with more girls but this time it felt right but not in the hormonal teen feeling .

She took me by surprise ill tell you that but I can't deny what I feel for her anymore.

I know for a fact she feels guilty but she shouldn't. I know her feelings toward me don't compare to her feelings toward Marvin.

I know for a fact she's not a slut or whore since we both wanted this. I might be half drunk but I'm sober enough to know what I did and feel.

I felt my phone vibrating and noticed it was beatrice.

I groaned an decided to let it go to voicemail . A part of me wanted to break up with her but if I do how am I gonna get the joints. Yes I'm an addict to drugs now but I can stop whenever I want..... Just not now or anytime soon.......

You cant judge me!

Wow I've gone insane... Am I really talking to myself...

Okay I have to stop this!

I felt my eyes becoming heavy ... FINALLY SLEEP!


"Christian Wake up!!" An annoying voice yelled.

My eyes fluttered open due to the annoying yelling. Oh wait its just my sister..

"Ill be out in a bit," I mumbled hoping she'd be satisfied with that answer. To my surprise she was and skipped out of my room.

Its too early for her to be acting weird .

I ended up putting on some shorts and a black t-shirt. As I headed downstairs I couldn't help but overhear Alices conversation with someone.

"But how can I not feel guilty.. He doesn't deserve this, " She answered .

"Yea but be honest who do you have strong feelings toward and don't sugar coat anything like ohhh he's a great guy and any girl would be lucky to be with him," I heard Marisela mimicking.

"Alright.... I like Marvin..."

For some reason this made me frown and grow upset.

"But as a friend and he makes anytime a good time but I can't help compare Christian toward him..." I heard her say. A smile plastered on my face.

I heard someone sighing which I assume was Alice.

"Well go with what your heart tells you and be straight out with Marvin."

Just then there was a knock at the door and I went to open it up.

The smjle on my face deflated when I saw Him and beatrice. He walked past me and Beatrice jumped on me.

"Babe I missed you," She squeaked .

"Yea I m-missed you too," I bit my tongue and forced a smile on my face.

"I got some new stuff," She whispered and with that I walked to my room with her.

As I closed the door I heard someone Shouting Babe. I assume ernie came for marisela.

"So what's the nee...."

I noticed she had some pills but these ones were different.

"Give me some," I commanded. She smiled and took 2 out and gave them to me. I saw how she got 3 and swallowed them.

They didn't start kicking in till some minutes later. The feeling was amazing and I was starting to see trippy stuff. But after sometime I became dizzy and my body was shutting down. I made an effort and got out of my room stumbling down the stairs.

"Help," I whispered and the last thing I saw was Alice .


"Marvin we need to talk," I said and felt my palms become sweaty.

"Alright well what is it," He asked once we sat down.

" Well I think your a great guy and I think we should just be friends ," The whole time I was looking at him to see his reaction.

I couldn't though it was a blank stare .

"Did you cheat on me," He asked taking me by surprise. I tried to say something but I couldn't think of anything to say. I didn't want to lie but I didn't want to tell him I did.

"Yes," I whispered.

"SO YOUR LEAVING ME FOR THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING DRUG ADDICT," He said through gritted teeth and raising his voice.

I was about to respond till someone beat me to it.

" Don't call him that and that good for nothing drug addict is my brother!"

We turned to see lily. She ended up storming toward the living room where ernie and Marisela were at. I groaned in frustration since he upseted lily that and how dare he insult Christian like that. Sure he's into drugs but the way his tone was made him sound like a disgusting disease. If there's one thing I don't tolerare is rude people.

"Look first of all I never said I was but I won't deny I did cheat on you with him and I'm very sorry I never met for it to happen but things just... happen Also I don't like your attitude toward him after all he is a human being."

Taking deep breathes from what I saI'd made me realise this is the first time I ever defend Christian. I know I have some feelings toward him but never enough to defend him.

I was a bit taken back when Marvin grabbed my face and kissed me. I felt no spark and pushed him away. I was marching over to the living room when all of a sudden I heard someone falling and then there laid Christian. My heart instantly dropped.

"Help," He said in a low voice that made him sound like he had no strength. my hand flew over my mouth just seeing him like that. I instantly called 911 and prayed for things to get better.

Damn getting intense. Well as yoy guys know I don't do authors notes but I just wanted to apologize for not updating faster and not only this story all 10 of my stories. I thank for my readers who've stuck by my side and I love you guys .

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