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     "LILY!" I squealed excited to see her. Its been long way to long since I've spent time with her.

"I missed you chica!" She yelled causing me to laugh at her words.

"Chica?" I questioned she just shrugged her shoulders with that big smile still plastered on her face.

She's just so adorable.

Just then Kayla entered making my smile deflate.

"Thank you for baby sitting honey," Her mother said.

She just nodded her head and looked at me with a plain expression. I can tell she's been crying and had no sleep due to the baggs under Her eyes.

"She was crying all night, " Lily confirmed my suspicion.

I hated myself right now since I went outside to  go talk to her once she left .

  "Are you okay Kayla?" I questioned. Her face showed no emotion but Her eyes were watery.

"Yea everythings alright, " She stated bluntly taking me by surprise. I expected her to snap at me. Somethig is definitely wrong.

"If you ever need to talk to someone you can call me or text me."

A tear fell down and my instincts was to wipe it away. To my surprise she didn't hit me or back away.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked really concerned.

   "Sure why not I have nothing to loose and some air would do me justice," She replied.






At the Cafè

  "Its just been rough you know loosing a child and not having any support from your partner who just comes to fuck! Why is the world so unfair! I just can't-I can't keep living.  I've already lost my first baby in a miscarriage  now another one."

Right when we came to the cafè Kayla just exploded with all her feelings and I never knew she was going through that.

It makes me change my opinion toward Her.

"Kayla I-I don't know what to say but  I admire how strong you've been . Anyone that has been through that knows it isn't easy and I admire how strong you've been."

Her eyes met mine and a smile creeked on her face making me smile.

She genuinely looks better smiling then always frowning. I never paid attention but her eyes are crystal blue.

"I'm sorry for everything I put you through. I was an asshole to you and judged you wrong but Susie always had something bad to say  about you . Is it true you were always jealous of her?" She asked sounding serious. I literally did not expect that. My own best friend would bad mouth me behind my back. I can't believe that! I guess I can throw away our friendship since she was never truly a friend.




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