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With what I witnessed and experienced this isn't any place to be. When I heard Christians mom and sister ask where they would be staying I didn't hesitate to volunteer. I knew me and my mom had enough room. I know my dad wouldn't mind either since he's always traveling.  

Christian turned around and seemed taken back. "A-are you sure what would your paren-" 

I interrupted him from finishing his sentence. " my mom wouldnt mind and we have plenty room for a two story house. We actually have Three rooms on top and Two on the bottom." I said sounding a bit shy.  

"Youuuu.. Guyssss aren't Going Anywheeeerr..," I heard a male voice choke out. I turned to see Christian's dad. Christian Went infront of his mom and sister pushing them out the door. I ended up grabbing there hands and running to my house. I heard the door slam and Christian by my side holding his little sister who was trembling. We made it to my house and I knew we were safe.  

I then showed Christian's mom and sister an extra spare rooms. I went toward my room and took off my neckless I always carry around. I looked in the mirror and noticed I had stitches on my forhead and a bruise on my lip and eye. As I touched my bruise I flinched from the pain. "You know you shouldn't touch wounded marks," I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around and saw Christian leaning on my door entrance with his arms crossed. I furrowed my eyebrows together since I really can't remember how i even got these. "What do you mean and how did I even get them?" I asked sounding so confused. 

"Well talk about that later," He said motioning me toward him.  

"ALICE GET DOWN HERE!" I heard my mothers voice say. Crap! 

I went downstairs to find my mom in the corner of the kitchen with a pan. Really mom a pan?  

I went toward her and took the pan away from her. 

"Mom these people need a place to stay and I know them its okay they aren't robbers there friends," I said sounding casual. My mom sighed in relief and walked over to Christians mom and shook her hand.  

"Do You know where the bathroom is," I heard a soft voice ask. 

I turned and saw it was Christian's little sister. I smiled and motioned her toward the bathroom upstairs. Before she entered the bathroom she stopped and looked me straight in the eye. "Thank you and my names lily by the way but you can call me lils," She said giving me a smile that just warmed my heart.  
What a sweet and adorable little girl

Once I went downstairs I saw my mom talking with Christian's mom. They seemed to get along pretty well so that made everything easier.  

I walked over to Christians new room. He seemed to settle in but I noticed he was on his knees and it seemed he was crying?


I just can't believe it why would he put us through that. I still can't believe were finally out of that hells hold. I couldn't hold it in and began to break down. 

I could never show weakness in front of my mom or sis since I am suppose to be a strong and tough boy. But im only human and I have feelings too.  yeah not manly saying that but I admit to hurting too.

But today I can't I just couldn't hold back my tears. 

I then felt someone's hand on my back rubbing circles. I quickly wiped the tears away and stood up. 

"What do you want!" I said snapping at her. I didn't mean it I just hate when people see me cry.  

"I'm. . Sorry.. umm.. I'll just go," Alice said then walked out the door. Great now she thinks im a jerk. I think at this point I don't even care. Just then my phone began to vibrate indicating I had a call coming in.  

"Hello?" I said picking up my phone not even checking who it was.  

"Babe, Where were you I was lonely without you," I heard Trish say.  

I mentally rolled eyes feeling irratated by the sound of her voice. I just fucken want to be alone right now.

" I'm busy right now," I boredly stated. Why am I even with her? Seriously she's too clingy and needy.

"Well whatever hope to see you tonight." 

Oh now I remember why I'm with her. I can hear her voice change from worried to a flirty voice when she said that last sentence.  

"What part of I'm busy did you not understand," I bit out annoyed.

I heard her groan in annoyance. 

"Why does everything else come before me!" She stated dramatically. I was about to say something when she clicked on me.  

I honestly don't want to deal with her bullshit.It was silent but I heard a sweet voice singing. I was upstairs next to Alice's room. I leaned up near the wall and heard her singing. Just then the singing stopped and I heard a piano being played with perfect notes sounding. She then began singing again.

Cause you turned your face 

and now I can't feel you anymore 

turn your face so now I can't see you anymore  

walk away until your not standing at my door 

turn your face walk away and stay 

turn your face.......

In my memory  

I was hurting 

Long before we met ohhh 

in my memory there still burning finger prints you left




I was left speechless she really can sing. In the song you can hear her hurting. I can understand how she feels since Im practically broken but I don't show it. The last thing ill ever want is someone's pitty.

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