Never lasting love

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Hello, I know the story is complete but I've comeback to try and improve my errors. The storyline might change since I'm making some adjustments so please bare with me. Also at the end there's a little bit of information about me and some advice given from me. Enjoy!!



Alice's pov

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Ugh, for once can you shut up!" I shouted as I slammed on the snooze button. I look up to see it was 7am.

"Crap!" I mummbled to myself grabbing my violent sweater and putting it on. I tied my hair in a messy bun and rushed out of my house. Seeing as I was running late i ran all the way to  inside my high school. Luckily I made it right before the bell rang.

I walked straight to my classroom trying to catch my breath. I couldn't stand to greet my friends right now since of yesterday. I looked down and noticed my clothing was different then what I would usually wear. Then again my dumbass woke up late.

Atleast i made it in time for school.I'm not too thrilled to be in school right now though with the situation I'm in.  It sucks how my friend is dating my crush. I'll get over it obviously but it's still upsetting. I confided in her about my feelings towards him. Regardless of my feelings she let her seld fall for him. Im not angry about it because there's nothing to do about it. It's not like I'm going to stomp my foot and silently curse them both. One thing I'm certain about is I need to keep my distant meanwhile my feelings are still existent. 

Bobby is cute and he's 5'7 has blue eyes which is just a bonus to his features. From what I've noticed is he seems carefree and is very social. Apparently Sarah is the first girl he's ever dated. If anything I heard he has never broken a girls heart. That's a bit reassuring to hear because I still care for Sarah. She was my best friend afterall and those memories were made are special.

"Alice! Alice!" I Heard my teacher yell giving me her best glare.

"Yes! Miss. Whitney" I quickly responded startled by her voice. She raised her eyebrow at me and pointed towards the board.

" I was asking you to answer the question on the board?"

I stood up and Went to the white board. Dammit I might be an 11th grader but I don't know anything about chemistry . I know it has something having to do with equations?

I looked at the problem and couldn't seem to figure it out. Just then someone volunteered to help me. My teacher groaned and asked the person to proceed. When I looked at the person who stood next to me my eyes grew wide. I had forgotten I had this class with Bobby . He smiled at me and wrote the answer which was photosynthesis. I face palmed myself, that must of been the easiest lesson so far my teacher had taught us earlier. Once I sat down I began reviewing my notes just in case. That had to do with my teachers constant glances at me. Once the bell rang I sat there not moving from my position until I felt a tap and looked up to see Bobby.

"You know class is over?" He stated pointing at the students leaving. My cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink. Suddenly i feel embarrased and shy. I thanked him and walked out the door quickly.

The whole day went by fast and I was glad it was over. once the last bell rang I walked out the door and noticed a cute guy next to my locker he must of traded lockers with sarah. Now that shes dating Bobby  i guess she wanted a locker near her new boyfriend. I looked at the guy he had Dark black hair. He seemed familiar for some reason and I didn't realize I was staring until he cleared his throat. I felt my cheeks turn pink when he gave me a side smirk.

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