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Alice POV



We were waiting patiently to hear What was going on. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried, I was beyond nervous. I don't know why I care so much for him. If anything I should hate him or should be angered or bothered that she was with him. Which we also found be sadly she was dead before the ambulance came. I know I didn't like her but I do feel sorry for her and I wish her faith wouldn't of ended like that. Just then the doctor came through the hall way. I felt my breath hitch and goosebumps appeared on my arms. I felt a cool breeze when someone passed by. I swear they really need to put the thermometer up because its really cold.

My heart was beating faster with each step the doctor approached us. I was trying to read his facial expression but he had a poker face. We stood up when he was in front of us. I saw Christian's mom on the verge of crying. She wasn't crying because she kept saying he'll be alright. She was being strong and had a lot of faith in her son.

I give her props for staying strong. Ernie, marisela, my mom, Marvin and me where here. Beatrices family was here since they came in not to long ago.

I know this won't be anything good to hear about their daughter dying. Gosh that's why I hate hospitals cause it can always ended up with tragic news!

"Yea I'm sorry to say your son is in coma," Where the last things I heard till I saw everything black.


I opened my eyes and noticed I was in a room that had white walls and I was attached to some machine that made a beating noise.

"Why am I here?" I asked myself looking around my surroundings. Just then the same doctor appeared.

"Ahh... Miss Alice I suppose your wondering what your doing here. Well to make this short you passed out due to the low sugar you have in your system that and your nerves where high. Try to take it easy and don't stress out because that can triger a head migrate. "

He smiled politely and walked out my room.

"This sucks, " I groaned not wanting to be here . I decided to sleep a little longer since I haven't really gotten much rest.


(Yayaya lily)

"Mom I'm tired," I whined feeling super sleepy. I'll admit it I get cranky when I'm sleepy and yes I can be a.... female dog? We got inside the car and my mom said something but I zoned out.


My eyes fluttered open just to be closed again.

"What the F-"

"language sis!" the voice irritated me. It was Kayla but for some reason I wasn't scared anymore I was annoyed if anything. I pushed her hand away from my face and got up.

"Where's mom," I asked walking out the door. I entered the kitchen and noticed there was a note for me.

Hey lily sorry we went to pick up Alice from the hospital be back in a jippy and there's some breakfest in the microwave for you

~love mom

I opened the microwave and noticed there was an empty plate. Gosh Kaylas a pig but it doesn't matter I learned how to cook thanks to alice.

10 Minutes later...

I had made myself some pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon. I made myself a smoothie and boy was I full. I washed my plate and walked to the living room. Why is today so boring!?!?

Oh yea I can go to Olvias house! Maybe Cody might be there? Oh what the hay ill just go.

Just then the door opened and in walked Makayla smiling like the idiot that she is. I'm actually not even scared of her just annoyed. I walked pasted her and left to Olivias.


I spent just an hour hanging out at her place and quickly rushed to go home since Alice could be coming any minute now.

I reached the house and twisted the door knob but it was locked. I knew there was no point in banging on the door so I went around the back and toward my window I kept open. As I entered my room I heard what sounded like muffles. I really didn't want to go figure out what it was since I'm guessing it was just Makayla. Before I can enter the bathroom in my room I heard yelling and a door slamming.

I walked outside and saw makyla for the first time ever Crying.

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