I don't know

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The last bell rang and I went to my locker and took out some of my workbooks. As I opened my locker a little note fell out. I bend over to get it and was kneed in the stomach. I grunted and feel over to see a smirking Makayla.

"Awww are you okay," She said in a sweet voice with a smirk growing on her face. I knew she was pretending since I know how she is.

"Why," I said holding onto my stomach.

"Look bitch I want you to stay the hell away from Marvin He's mine !" She said throwing a kick to my face. She then walked away and I stayed there for a minute since I knew I had to get up to go pick up lily.

Once I got to my car I saw Christian closeby and he saw me.

I kept looking away since I didn't want him to see the bruise that's forming near the edge of my lip. I had wiped the blood away so it wouldn't be noticeable. Once I got in my car I started to drive off and soon enough I was parked in the same place I dropped lily off.

She had a huge smile on her face and was with some boy who gave her flower. She just played with the ends of her hair and kept twirling them. She then said bye and gave him a kiss to the cheek.

When she got in the car I started to drive home.

"So who's the boy," I said raising my eyebrow at her. She just blushed and tried to hide her smiling.

"Just a friend ," She said smiling and looking out the window.

"Mhmm friend my butt I know there's something going on but I won't get nosey. Whenever your ready to tell me I'll listen."

After I said that she looked at me with watery eyes." What's wrong?" I asked feeling bad. Did I say something wrong?

"It's just i've never had someone listen to me and I wish I would of had a sister so we could gossip. I have a step sister but she hates me and use to beat me up. But I feel happy that I finally have someone. I have you and I hope you never leave me," she said giving me a weak smile.

"Pinky promise," I said holding out my pinky for her. She smiled and with that we shook pinkies.

After we had gone home I noticed I got a text from 'The Cutie'

I smiled and went inside my house until I noticed a young women with a girl that looked my age. "Darling your finally home I want you to met Jennifer and her daughter Marisela," My mom said introducing the people. "Hello," I said awkwardly.

"Marisela my dear why don't you go with Alice in her room while us adults talk business."

I told marisela to follow me and just as we were wlking toward my room out came Christian shirtless holding on to a new shirt with some dude .

"Hey and umm hi-"

"His name is ernie were just heading out to play some hoops in the park wanna come," He said.

"do you?" I asked marisela. She looked nervous but agreed.

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