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"LILY!!!" I yelled as I grabbed onto my stomach from laughing too much. She was getting a piggy ride grom Marvin. It was a cute and funny sight . She caught him off guard and he freaked out a bit. He kept thinking it was a monkey or something till I yelled out lilys name.

They went toward the ocean and I stood up running toward them. I was closeby till I saw Christian with some random chick. I paid no attention toward them and joined Lily who was splashing Marvin. "Alice join forces with me to defeat the evil marvin."

"No Alice join forces with me The gorgeous Marvin against lily."

I giggled and went on Marvins side. I gave lily a smirk and she caught on quick to what I meant. When Marvin wasn't looking I splashed him and lily was doing the same. I was side bu side with Lily " We'll alwayd stick together."

Lily ended up abandoning me when Marvin came running toward us. "What happened to sticking together!"

"Every man for themselves ," She said bursting into fits of laughter .

"M-marvin Now lets be reasonable I-

before I can say anymore he tackled me down but playfully not really hurting me and started tickling me.

"Lily come help me!" He yelled.

"Ha! she would never-

Just then Lily ran over to me and started tickling me. Traitor!

" Y-you g-guys S-stoop!!" I shrieked.

They then stopped and I looked at lily.

"Having fun dear," She shook her head rapidly.

"Good now go get changed into new clothes so we can start this bom fire." Marvin said surprising me. I've never actually attended a bom fire I always wanted to but was always busy.

Onc me and lily changed we gathered around the bomfire. He had invited me , Marisela, Ernie , Susan, and her boyfriend . I didn't mind being here with Susan and her boyfriend its not awkward.

If anything im starting to feel comfortable around Marvin .

"So Marisela how long have you and Ernie been dating?" Susan Asked .

"Since yesterday," Marisela answered with a huge grin on her face.

"Oh..." Was all she said. Susan didn't even look interested or anything.

"Why the tone," Marisela asked getting all defensive . I wouldn't blame her since I noticed the tone in susans voice.

"Well no offense but he can do so much better," She said looking at Ernie.

"Like who ."

"Like me," She spoke up.

Judt then I saw Christian walking near us with the same chick .

"This is a joke right because I know Ernie doesn't like trash!" Marisela spat. Christian came rushing over toward us when i motioned him to.

"What's going on ," He whispered in my ear .

His voice sent shivers down my spine .

"Take lily home I feel as if its about to get crazy," He nodded his head and took Lily .

Once they were out of sight I started shouting.

"Calm the Fuck down susan and just go!" I yelled looking a susan.

She scoffed and left with her boyfriend.

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