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Alice Pov

"Are you serious!?!" The guys exclaimed except for Ernie and me.

" Yes pay up boys!" I cheered when the Seahawks won. I don't go for them but i had a feeling the Seahawks were going to win.

"It's not fair babe," He whined handing me over sixty bucks.

"Yeah well thats life," I mocked as me and Ernie did our victory dance.

"Tessa?" I questioned as I raised an eyebrow at her. She huffed in defeat and gave me her sixty bucks.

"This game was rigged," Marvin grumbled as a few yeahs were said. I grabbed the empty pizza boxes and soda bottles and went outside to throw them in the trash cans and recycling bin. I noticed Someone came out with me.

"Need help?" Marvin asked.

"Is it that obvious," I giggled as he helped me out. I threw away the bottles and Marvin threw away the pizza boxes.

"So how have you been with Tessa," I asked and couldn't hide my excitement about the two of them. He smiled at the mention of her name and right away I can tell he was whipped. There's nothing wrong with being whipped though.

"It doesn't even feel like it's been four months. She's a great girl and just amazing."

"I'm so happy for you guys," I squealed. I hugged him and it felt nice being friends with him again.

"Marvin I want you to take care of her because she's not just any girl. She's really special and I love her." He smiled up at me and nodded his head. I turned around and saw a smiling Christian looking at me with loving eyes.

"Go to him," Marvin whispered as Tessa approached. I went to Christian and he embraced me in a hug.

"Bye guys we really have to go," Tessa said and yawned afterwords.

"Yea us two," Marisela stated.

"Alright well bye guys have a good night," I said as I waved goodbye. I walked inside the house and began grabbing the plates.

"What do you think your doing," Christian said seductively as he wrapped his arms around me.

" Babe.. i.. christian... mmm," I whined as he kept kissing m. Thus not letting me finish what i wanted to say. I gave up and give into his kisses.


"You tired," Christian asked. I rolled over and smiled at him. I was a bit tired but not completely.

"Just a bit. Why babe? Got something planned," I teased. He gave me another kiss before answering my question.

"Wanna go to a karoke place," He teased. Karoke sounds awesome!

"Hell yeah lets go," I enthusically stated. He got up and went to the bathroom but stopped midway.

"So you going to join me or what?"He questioned. Hmm sex two times in a row? Eh why not. I got up not caring if i was naked and walked inside.


"This is awesome!"I exclaimed as we entered. Some of our friends were here and it was just amazing.

"Any takers wanting to sing?" the man asked on stage. Christian nudged me but i shook my head.

"Until i've eaten," I complained

"Hungry already. I knew you wanted another round three," He teased making my cheeks turn red so im blushing like crazy.

"Chris," i scowled making him chuckle.

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