spill it!

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"Wooooow!!!!" I yelled as I exited the hospital. Im really happy to be away from the hospital.

Everything was okay since Christian was getting better but had to stay for another 2 weeks. He better learn that  drugs are bad! I wish he was more careful with the choices he makes.

"Alice!" I turned to see Marvin. 

I felt my stomch do a one eighty and my breath hitch. I honestly didn't know what to say as he approached me. Should I just say a casual 'Hey' or should I apologise. 

Before I could even say a word he beat me to it. "Look I'm sorry about insulting Christian like that no matter what I should of  never  brought up his addiction problem. I'm just hurt you would do something like that ."

I couldn't hide my shame in what I did. Marvin was a wonderful boyfriend and what I did had no remorse.

"Marvin you have every right to be upset and I'm sorry for what I did to you. "

His eyes didn't glow anymore. All I saw was his plain face showing no emotion.

"Alright well ill see you around I guess."

Is that really all he wanted to tell me cause I feel like there's more. He started walking away.

"Marvin? Is that really all you wanted to say?" I questioned. He stopped for a moment then continued walking. I'm such a total bitch. I let a good guy like him go for someone who doesn't even know what he wants and can hurt me.

"Alice dear lets go I know lily wants to see you."

I kept looking straight ahead where marvin had been standing and felt my head hurting. I don't know why but I feel like I made a huge mistake.

"Uh.. coming mom," and with that I got into the car.


(later on)



"Nice guys finish last that's why ill treat you like trash its not really what I want to do but.... you only date bad guys so ill make it-"

"DUDE!!!" I yelled at my older brother who kept mocking me.

"I just don't get why your such a nice guy. It won't get you anywhere." He stated.

"Oh so being a douche bag like yourself will?" I asked harshly. He put a hand over his heart and gasped.

" Oh man up wussy," I said throwing him a pillow. Of course him having some quick reflexes dodged it.

"look all I'm saying is you need to change. I'm not saying  turn into a complete asshole all I'm saying is you need to stop being a total nerd  and smothering your girlfriends. Show your bad boy side and make her feel safe."

'That's true!' I mentally agreed.

"Now let's go."

Wait what!

"Where are we-

"To go eat dumbass and pick up some chicks."

Eh. I really need to go out anyways.

I picked up my jacket and headed out.


My eyes fluttered open  and I was surprised to see her here.
"Hey babe!" she squealed and rubbed her big stomach. I looked at her big stomach and my eyes nearly popped out.
" Are you Preg-g-g-
"Yes you moron I'm pregnant and your the baby daddy!"


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