Everything has changed

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Everything has changed


I stood up and walked out the room. I used my phone for light and went to check on my little sister. "Lily?" I whispered and was near her door when I heard someone tapping on a window. I entered her room to see my dad right by her window telling her to open. I went straight toward my sister and Alice came. "Alice take my sister and call 911," I said quickly as my dad got angrier and broke in. "What the F#$@* are you doing here!!" I said clenching my fidt tightly. He smiled and chuckled ,"Can a father come and see his loving Daughter," His smile turned into a smirk.

"I know damn well why you came and lets get one thing straight here! NEVER EVER WILL YOU HURT MY FAMILY!"

He looked taken back but it was quickly replaced with anger. "YOUR FAMILY! THIS IS MY FAMILY I OWN YOU AND YOUR MOM INCLUDING YOUR SISTER AN-"

"SHUT THE F$#@* UP. YOU DON'T OWN ANYONE ALRIGHT! NOW GET YOUR SORRY ASS OUT OF HERE AND LEAVE US ALONE!" I said through gritted teeth. Instead of leaving he stepped closer to me and his smirk grew with every step he came closer to me. I knew I couldn't back down I had to stand my grounds. Just then the police siren was heard and his smirk disappeared. "You little piece of-"

"FREEZE!" I heard someone say. I turned and saw it was a cop . I stepped aside and Alice came running in. She went to me and hugged me. "That's the man who broke into my house," she said pointing at my dad. The cop ended up arresting my dad and took him away. I went into Alice's room and saw Lily in Marisela's arms rocking her back and fourth with Ernie. She was sound asleep so I decided we all sleep in Alice's room. I went to grabbed some mattresses for me and Ernie. Once I came back inside Marisela and Ernie were making out while Alice watched over Lily and stroked her hair gently. I set up the mattresses and grabbed some pillows with the blankets. Pretty soon it was midnight and everyone was fast asleep but me. I kept thinking about how my life has changed. Just then I remembered that kiss me and Alice shared. It was something I won't be able to forget those soft, gentle, warm lip on mine. She sure is something special. But my question is why do I keep thinking about her when I know im not good enough for her. She probably likes Marvin Psh what kind of a name is that it sounds like that guy who's a wizard for king author. Psh im better looking then him and that's a fact.

"Christian..." I heard someone say. I turned and saw Alice wided awake. She stood up and motioned me to follow her. We walked outside to her backyard and stood there in a comfortable silence. Until she decided to talk and leave me speechless.

"Christian what are we? I know its dumb for me to ask this but im not the type of girl who makes out with anyone and I just want to know so I dont get confused. Just please be straight out with me?" She said giving me a sincere look. I thought about it and looked up at the stars.

"Alice I don't know what to say I like you im not going to deny that but I don't think we should be together.... " I said trailing off.

"Why ?" She asked looking at me. I took a deep breath and thought about it.

"Cause im trouble and I don't want to hurt you. Im not boyfriend material and Marvin is he likes you so just give him a chance," I closed my eyes and saw her lookinh down. "Okay... " She trailed off and began walking inside. She then turned and looked at me with pitty "It hurts to know that you think so low of yourself. just let yourself go and fall in live because truth is no ones perfect or an expert in relationships, " She then went inside leaving me by myself. "What have I done, " I whispered yo myself. I basically told her to go for marvin when she clearly likes me. Ugh! Stupid stupid

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