Maybe just maybe

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Alice POV

As I woke up I noticed it was barely 5am. Sleep isn't something I can get now since lately I've grown uneasy. My dreams have gotten worst since A week ago. I end up dreaming horrible stuff that involve death. Honestly im confused about why I dream this stuff.  Do dreams usually mean a sign?

Maybe I should talk to my mom about this.  I think I'll go for a morning jogs since it's not so dark outside. It's actually a good excuse to get some fresh air. Getting up i put my hair in a messy bun and stretch a little.

Quickly I went to the bathroom and noticed I had bags under my eyes. Ugh I totally need more sleep but these nightmares prohibit that.

After I finished getting ready I walked out my house. Looking up I gaze at the sun that's arising. The sky had changed color and it took my breath away. So far I'm off to a good start and I feel happy. Not to mention I have already gotten over bobby. Sarah constantly texts me with their daily events. To which I respond with comments like "awww how cute" and "I'm so happy for you two." It bugs me that she never texts me to hang out or just have a conversation about us. For some reason it's just about her and Bobby that she texts me about. I can't help but think that she's trying to rub it in my face. But that's just a thought to which I don't really like to think.

Sighing I realized I had reached a nerby lake. I was so happy to see no one was there. Company is nice once in a while but solitude is just relaxing. I can finally be alone without anyone around.

Suddenly I heard a footstep nearby and looked behind me. My eyes widened as i noticed her there to which made me grow scared. This person is someone whos taunted me as a child. For some reasom she hates my guts for no apparent reason. Over my younger years she would mentally and physically hurt me. Her name is Makayla and she's pretty scary. Strength like a guy and wears similar clothing. I was beyond terrified of her through everything shes put me through. Usually my besty would protect me but she's not here.

Just then I was interrupted from my thoughts when I saw a hill. me and Makayla stood at the very top. I pleaded and begged but nothing seem to work since she tossed me and I began rolling down. My life flashed in an instant.

This is the end was all I kept thinking as my vision became blurry.

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