Trying to fix you

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Wow these past 3 months have been crazy. When I say crazy I mean it in a good and bad way. Its good because I'm happy with Marvin and my friendship with Marisela grew stronger throughout the whole time. We basically tell eachother everything . She's still with Ernie and there so cute together. Me and Lily are like sisters and the best part is Makayla hasn't done anything to us.

But I know she's up to something.

Now the bad part.... Well Sarah and Bobby broke up 2 months ago . Now I know what your thinking what's so bad about that or why would you care?

Well for starters he keeps flirting with me and Sarah doesn't talk to me because she thinks its my fault they broke up. It hurt when she called me out for being fake and a two faced bitch but if she were my true friend she would know I had no fault in anything.

I never gave him a reason to leave her and come for me. If anything I'm happy to be Marvin so why would I go flirt with bobby and tell him to leave sarah for me when I'm perfectly happy with my boyfriend.

I swear common sense is something she should really use sometime. Also Christian and me aren't on the best terms since 3 months ago I caught him with smoking weed . I blew up on him and the worst part was Beatrice was with him rolling up some joints.

I kicked her out of my house and of course she didn't want to so I personally grabbed her hair and threw her out . Christian was beyond furious so I told him off and lectured him on doing that stuff. I then reminded him this is my house and lets just say he hardly stays here anymore.

I had to dispose of the weed and cleaned up his room spraying it with febreeze. Febreeze really works who would of known that.

Anyways back to the point we don't talk .

I've tried to reach out to him and help him out with this addiction he has. I gave up 2 months ago since he would never listen to me . Whatever I'm not his baby sister or mother. If he wants to screw his life well it's his choice. I'm not gonna be there though to see him ruin his life. What sucks is I can't help but worry.

Whatever's I have to stop thinking so much since I have to go shopping with Marisela in a bit. Can't wait though were gonna go watch insidious 2 .


"Oh my gosh I can't wait!" Marisela squealed making my smile widden. I giggled at little I was about to respond till I saw something that made my smile drop. There she was the devil herself. The cause of Christian addiction that started. The reason most of the problems started. I hate her with a passion and not only cause she has him but because she brought us all problems.

There she was giggling while holding on to some guy who I think is....


wow didn't expect it from him but you can expect anything from Bobby now. Bobby spotted me and send me a smirk. I rolled my eyes and looked to see Marisela holding the two tickets infront of my face.

"Got them," She announced excitedly.

I checked my phone and noticed it was 8:50pm meaning we only had ten minutes before the movie started . We decided to buy snacks ahead of time since the line is basically a 5 minute process. After some moment we were next In line. We order extra buttery popcorn , Some candy, Drinks , and more candy. I would say we had 5 types of candy but those are for later plus I'm getting some for lily since she's been craving some wonka candy.

We entered room 4 where the movie was gonna start playing any moment now. As we sat down near the back I was curious why Marisela wanted these seats.

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